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Kai pov

After the stuff happen in the morning, I ate with everyone else while I was glancing at Ein couple of the times and thinking about the mates mark that is in my neck.  While thinking I thought of telling my feelings to Ein but I don't know if he have the same feeling s as me but I think i will give it a try since he did mark me but then again he mark me when he was drunk. While lost in thought I didn't know that someone was getting my attention.

"-ai Kai Kai" I heard someone and I look up and I saw Aph calling my attention.

" Ehh wait what" I said and then I heard every one laugh at my confusion but the laugh that stand out of everyone was Ein. His laugh was so beautiful and it sounded like bells to me. (A/N: awwww)

"Kai while you where in la la land everyone else was talking who they like except you and Ein" Aph said. 

"Who do you like Kai" Aph said. 

"I u-um like uhhh I like," I look around and while I was doing that I look at Ein and I did not know what he was thinking but in his eyes i see love, sad,happy and other emotions that i did not know.

"I like I like IlikeEin" I said. 

"Can you say that slowly Kai pls" Aph said.

"F-fine I-I like EIN" I said and blush then look down because I did not want to see Ein face and get rejected.

I can feel the stares that everyone is giving me but I don't care anymore. 





Ein pov

(Ein mind)

Kai likes me, I can't believe the person i like also likes me back. Wait i remember everything that happen last night, *gasp* I marked kai last night. That's why Aphmau scream because she saw the mark and Kai was getting nervous when I was there. He didn't want me to see it because he thinks I will reject him. 

(Back to the world)

I looked around and I saw Kai face looking at the floor and i think he thinks I'm going to reject. If he is thinking that then I just tell him that I love him since high school and he is my mate.

"Kai look at me please" i said. 

Everyone stop what they were doing and they look at me and Kai back and fort.

"Kai please look at me" said again and this time he look up and I saw tears in his eyes because he thinks i will reject him.

"Kai if you are thinking I'm going to reject then you are wrong" I said.

"H-how did y-you know" Kai said.

"I can see it in your face -chuckles- but i will not reject you" I said.

" I actually like you Kai heck I love you since we were in high school and i know that you are my mate" I said .

"W-what" Kai said. I think he shook that I also like him back.

"And I remember what happen last night, that I mark you, that's why you and Aphmau where in the bathroom because she saw the mark and i think she started to ask questions why do you have it" I said and chuckle. 

"Hey I heard that" I heard an angry Aphmau. 

"But it is true Aphmau" I heard Aaron said.

"So Kai will it be an honor and will you be my boyfriend and mate" I said.

"E-ein y-yes I I will be your boyfriend and mate" Kai said then he ran to me and kiss me. 

I heard everyone scream and say congratulation guys but I heard two screams and i knew it was Aphmau and Kawaii~ Chan screaming and saying their  OTP came true .

Kai and I separated then we just laugh, this day was the best day.


Little did Ein know that Kai is submissive meif'wa and he is a dominant werewolf that if a dominant werewolf/meif'wa mark a submissive meif'wa/werewolf then the submissive meif'wa/werewolf can become pregnant. 


Hey guys sorry I didn't updated yesterday and the previous day i was really busy and when i remembered yesterday that i need to update it already was midnight and my parents will get mad at me if i didn't sleep so yeah

Anyways here is the two lovely guys Kai and Ein

Kai/ein: why kas did you make us kiss

Kas: well i shipped y'all so bad and if i was the creator I will make both of you as a couple hehe

 Kai/Ein: -sigh- anyways Kas don't own anyone only the book and all credit goes to Aphmau and  see y'all guys in the next chapter bye

Kas: you heard the boys and see y'all guys in the next chapter bye


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