The kiss

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(Hey guys I'am back and no I'm not dead only busy with school and then next week I'm doing exams)

Kai pov 

I can't believe that Ein is in front of me, I think we where staring each other to much that I didn't know that five minutes already pass. I just want to kiss him there but i can't because i know he wont have the same feelings. While I was lost in thought that I didn't know that Ein was trying to get my attention. 

"Kai are you there hello" Ein said to get my attention.

"Oh I'm s-sorry Ein" I said again I cursed my self with the stuttering.

"Its okay Kai " Ein said .

"So how are you doing Kai" Ein said .

"Oh I'm fine I just move here back you know I really miss phoenix drop so much after being in college for three years" I said.

"Yeah I did too move back and I also did miss phoenix drop" Ein said 

"Oh before you leave where do you live" I said.

"Oh I live in Phoenix Drop street" Ein said.

"I also live there to" I said happily.

"R-really what house color is yours" Ein said.

"Oh um i live in a orange house next to a red house" I said.

"Oh cool I live in a blue house next to a red house too" Ein sad that and when I heard that he also live in next to a red house I think about Aphmau's house told him something.

"Wait Ein is your neighbors that lives in the red house name Aphmau and Aaron" I said to him.

"Yeah why" Ein said.

"Because Aphmau and Aaron are my neighbors too" I said slowly.

"Omi I can't believe that we live so close together" Ein said.

"I now right anyway bye" I said and I left to go home.

Ein pov

(After the conversation with Kai)

I can't believe that I just saw kai after the three years of not seeing each other. I really want to kiss him there really bad but I cant. You know I really just want to tell my feelings to him say to him that he is my mate. I know what are you thinking werewolfs mating with meif'was isn't that a myth no it can be actually be real. I know that he was my mate way back to high school but I was scared to be rejected. Anyways I just went home after buying the clothes to the party today. I took a shower and when I got out I look at the time and it already is 5:30 so I went to change and left to Aphmau and Aaron House.

I knock on the door and I saw Aphmau opening the door.

"Ein I'm glad that you can came, come on in and have fun" Aphmau said.

"Thank" I said .

"Just come in already everyone is excited to meet you again' Aphmau said sassily .

I chuckled Aphmau still has that sass after for three years.

I went inside and I saw every one there and i also saw Kai. So I went to them and said hi.

"Ein" almost everyone said "we miss you" and they hug me. After that everyone started to party. I spotted Kai sitting in the couch so I went to him.

"Hey" I said.

"Hey" Kai said.

it was awkward and when I was about to said something some one pull me and took me to a alcohol drinking contest. It went like this For hours and everyone was wasted except Kai,Aphmau and Lucinda, I also was wasted but I still had some conscious.

Kai pov   

So everyone was wasted except me, Aph, and Lucinda.

So since it was midnight Aph told me I can take the guest bedroom and that I also take Ein with me and when she said that I stared to blush. like who wouldn't want to take their mate to their room oh wait that's me. and yes I'm aware that Ein was my mate but I didn't want to be rejected. So I took Ein and went to the guest bedroom and put him down in the bed. Ein look so cute in bed even he is drunk. Since I didn't have clothes to change in them so I had to stay in the clothes that I am in. So when I lay down in bed I heard Ein saying my name. I started to blush and then I heard Ein say if I was there and i Said yes. Then he said Kai I'm going to tell you this and that I was in love with you since  high school and and that you are my mate. When he said that I started to blush but I think he just saying that because he is drunk. While I was lost thought I felt lips touching mine and I saw Ein kissing me. Moments later I started to kiss back and we just made out. Then after that i felt some thing biting my neck and then I lost conscious. The last thing I heard was I finally got you my beautiful mate........


Kas: sorry for not updating  I'm just busy with school and then next week I have exams so i will be so busy anyways here are Kai and Ein 

Kai: Kas what the heck -blushes-

Ein: yeah what the heck Kas and why -blushes-

Kas: what I like to ship to much and you both are on of my otp ok just go on 

Kai: -sigh- any ways Kas do not own us and all credit goes to Aphmau 

Ein: and  we wish a good day Bye 

Kas: so that is it for the chapter and bye guys     

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