Sickness and suprise

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(Three weeks later)

Kai pov

Three weeks have pass since Ein and I started dating and when he mark me. The mates mark is so beautiful is a mix between dark blue and orange and it looks like a flame. These past few days I started getting sick like I been throwing up, I'm more hungry than the usual and I'm getting a little moody. I'm thinking that I'm pregnant but how can i get pregnant since I'm a boy so i started to think other things why I'm like this. While I was thinking about my sickness , I had the urge to throw up again, so I ran to the toilet and threw up. After I finish throwing up and went to the sink I heard somebody knock on the door.

"Kai, babe are you okay" Ein said at the other side of the door. (A/N: I laugh and squeal when i type this)

"Yeah I'am okay" I say while in my mind i was saying "No i'm not okay because in i been throwing up these past few day"

"Kai i know that you are not okay you been throwing up these past few days and i'm getting really worried so please get out of the bathroom and I'm taking you to the doctor" Ein said.

"Fine but you are going to take me out to eat okay" I said.

"Yeah sure" chuckle Ein.

After I got out of the bathroom, I went to change in some jeans, a red tee shirt and black shoes then went downstairs where Ein was waiting for me.(A/N: i forgot to say that Ein and Kai move in together since they did not want to be separated from each other) We went to the car and then we drove off.

10 minutes later 

Ein and I arrive to the doctor office and we wait for the doctor to called us. I'm really nervous and i want to know why i'm feeling like this. Five minutes later we were called to go to the doctors.




Ein pov 

We were called in to see the doctor, while we were walking to go to the doctor I was holding his hand and I really want to know what is happening to my little Kai.(A/N: *squeal*) We enter the office and we see the doctor. 

"Hello you might be Kai and Ein am i right" the doctor said.

"Yes I'm Kai and over there is my boy friend Ein" said my lover half embarrassed.

"Yes hello to you guys I'm doctor Luke so why you guys are here today" Dr. Luke said.(A/N: I do not know how doctors say to their patients just go on with me) 

"Well these past few days I been feeling sick like i will throw up in random times, i'm more hungry than usual and i get a bit moody that what Ein says to me" my little kai says to the doctor. 

"hmm I want you to take this" said Dr.Luke. He then gave Kai something that look like a stick.... wait is that a pregnancy stick. I was confused why Dr.Luke gave him that.

"Why did you gave me this Dr.Luke" Kai says.

"I want to test my theory if you are pregnant because I had similar things happen to werewolfs and meif'was in the past" Dr.Luke says to Kai.

"Wait in the past I don't remembered this happening to werewolfs or meif'was" I said.

"Well this has been happening in the couple hundreds years" Dr.Luke says.

I really need to remember what I was thought in school, so Kai went to the to use the pregnancy stick.  I was thinking if Kai is really pregnant with my child then I will support him and be there for him and our child life. I really wanted to be a father since i saw people from high school already have started a family with their lovers. while thinking I didn't know that Kai got out of the bathroom.

"Here Dr.Luke the pregnancy test" Kai said and he kinda made my tail stand in the end since I didn't he got out of the bathroom. Kai gave the pregnancy test and we had to wait to know if Kai is really pregnant with our child.(A/N: awww) Kai went to me and i hold his hand and he hold mine. 

"Ein i'm scared what happen if i'm truly pregnant will you leave me and fine someone else better than me" my little kitten said while he was holding his tears back.

"Kai my little kitten if you are truly pregnant then I won't leave you and our child alone I will be there for you and I'm will be really happy that we can start our own family" I said truthfully to him. Then I gave him a kiss in the head.      

5 minutes later

"Well five minutes already pass so now we are going to see if you are truly pregnant or not" Dr.Luke said. he look at the pregnancy test and then he told us and my face lit up and i just wanted to kiss Kai here and there.

"Well it looks like you are truly pregnant congratulations" Dr.Luke said and then he left to get something.

"Oh Kai we going to be parents" I said happily.

I stop cheering since i didn't heard Kai respond so a look at him and he had tears in his eyes.

"Kai tell me whats wrong" I said worriedly.

"There is nothing w-wrong i-is just I'm h-happy that we a-are going to be a family and that our very own child is growing inside m-me" Kai said.He the put his hand over his stomach and i also put my hand over his.

"We will get through this pregnancy and we also need to tell Aphmau and the others about this" I said.

"Are you sure about telling them"  Kai said.

"Yeah it will be fine and remember that Aphmau love babies so we are fine" I said.

"Oh yeah I forgot about that" chuckle Kai.

Moments later Dr.Luke came back and gave something to Kai.

"This is somethings that you need to avoid and how a pregnancy will go and come each month to make  sure the baby is healthy and on the fourth month we can see what gender it is" Dr.Luke said.

Before we left I told Dr.Luke how can Kai get pregnant and he told me that Kai is a submissive and I'm a dominant so if the dominant mark the submissive then the submissive can become pregnant regardless what gender they are. i was just stupid I remember the teacher in high school thought us about the dominant and submissive. After that Kai and I left the building and went home.


Kas: So hey guys how did y'all enjoy the chapter i will try to update every Tuesday or Wednesday Is already 2 am where I live so yeah now here are Kai and Ein.

Kai; Kas why, and how the heck can i get pregnant -blushes-

Kas: well this is my story so I can do whatever in this story so i made you pregnant hehehe

Kai; well this is not that cool but whatever 

Kas: just go on already I want to go to sleep -yawns .

Kai/Ein: Kas don't own us or any other character in the book only the book so all credit goes to Aphmau well see y'all guys in the next chapter bye

Kas: well I see y'all guys in the next chapter and take care

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