Moving back(Ein pov)

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Ein pov  (surprise!!!! This is a day after Kai came back)

Its been three years since a saw Kai and everyone else. Thinking of Kai makes me want to see him again and kiss him all the way to a french kiss. Don't think wrong but I feel in love with Kai the first time I saw him. But I couldn't stay and be at the same college like everyone else since my parents force me to go to a werewolf college and trying to find my mate. When I went to the werewolf college mostly all girls wanted to me my mate just because I was cute,hot,nice, and had a nice body and when they said that I wanted to be angry since they aren't my real mate and they just wanted to have my body. Its was a good thing that werewolf college was only three years. Anyways, I just move back to Phoenix Drop and I move in this street called Phoenix Drop Street. It's weird that the street is called after Phoenix Drop High but any ways i just move to a house next to a red house in the right (A/N: Kai's house is to the left of Aaron and Aphmau's house)and I just finished putting my boxes away. After that I went to the red house and knock on the door.When I knock on the door I heard a female voice saying that she will get. When she open the door I couldn't believe who just open the door. The women that just open the door was my very first friend named Aphmau.

"Hello,what can I help you", Aphmau said.

"Oh my Irene Aphmau its me, Ein" I said to her.

"Oh my Irene Ein is that really you ", Aphmau said.

"Yeah its me alpha", I said to her even tough Aphmau isn't the alpha.

"Ein you know that we're not in high school anymore so stop calling me alpha", Aphmau said to me and i chuckle the way she reacts when i called her alpha.

"But it's great to see you Ein", Aphmau said . 

Then I heard a male calling to Aphmau and she said "Aaron i'm talking to Ein right and come here to meet him like you meet Kai yesterday"to the guy named Aaron.When she said Kai, I started to blush but I wonder did Kai also came back to Phoenix Drop like I did today.Then couple seconds later, I saw a man that has black hair and eyes and I assume this was Aaron.

I heard Aphmau said to him and me "Aaron meet Ein the were wolf that I was talking about in high school and Ein meet Aaron my boyfriend and the boy who I keep telling you in high school".

"Uhh nice to meet you Aaron and wow Aphmau you got a keeper" I said to him and Aphmau. Aphmau said "I heard that". "Nice to meet you too Ein", Aaron said to me.(A/N: forgot to say this but I am not following Aphmau story line ok) I think we were talking so much that when I turn around the sky was dark and it was night time so I said goodbye to them and went my home. when I came home and went straight to bed I kept thinking of Kai, then I fell asleep.


Hey guys its me Kas and here is another chapter of Ein x Kai(this chapter is kinda shorter than the last chapter since i didn't have more interesting stuff to type so yeah)

Kas: know Ein and Kai both of you will do the same thing like the last chapter ok

Ein and Kai : yes ma'm 

Kas: ready guys now go 

Ein and Kai: Kas don't own us our creator is Aphmau and all rights go to Aphmau so bye guys

Kas: so they just left anyways i hope you like this chapter so sayanora minna Kas is out

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