The Wedding

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(Two months later)

(The wedding day)

Aphmau pov

I'm so nervous .. Today is mine and Aaron wedding day and I'm just here panicking.. Would Aaron leave me in the alter and saying that he does not love me or something.. 

"Aphmau calm down don't over think things" Katelyn said.

"B-But what happens he leaves me in the alter and says h-he does not love or he will j-just run away" I said tearing up.

"I'm sure he will not leave you because he loves you so much and you know him since middle school so you will be fine but if he does leave I will go run after him and punch him for leaving you there" Katelyn said.

I started to laugh, I made a good choice of picking Katelyn as my maid of honor. Oh yeah Katelyn is my maid of honor, Kawaii Chan, Lucinda, Kai(A/N: I just wanted Kai being a bridesmaid so i just made him one) and Laurence(A/N: Same with Laurence). And Aaron Best man was Travis and his groomsmen were Zane, Gene, Ein, and Garroth. 

I look at the mirror and I look beautiful. My hair was in a Greek hairstyle. My wedding dress was a off shoulder dress,it was a mix of Greek wedding dress style but still the same as our right now century dresses. (A/N: I have a obsession with Percy Jackson so yeah I adding a bit of Greek)The Maid of Honor and bridesmaids are wearing a long purplish Greekish dresses.

"Aphmau honey are you ready" Sylvanna A.K.A my Mom said from the other side of the door.

"Yes Mom I'm ready" I said.

She open the door and said "Oh honey you look so beautiful".

"Thanks Mom" I said.

"Come" she said and we left and we waited for the Wedding song.

When the wedding song played I walk down in the isle I look up and I saw Aaron he look so handsome. I walk till I i stop at the alter.

I look at Aaron and said" You look handsome" and he said" You look so beautiful" and I blush and we hold hand.

(A/N: I don't now what the priest says so I'm doing my best) 

The Priest said" Today we are gather here for the holy matrimony of Aaron Lycan and Aphmau Lorde................................................... Now do you Aaron Lycan take Aphmau Lorde as your wife and cherish her through sickness and health, forever and ever".

"I do" Aaron said.

"Do you Aphmau Lorde take Aaron Lycan as your husband and cherish him through sickness and health, forever and ever" the priest said.

"I-I do" I said.

"Then the husband can kiss the bride" the priest says.

Aaron look at me and I look at him and we kiss. We heard cheering in the background and some body crying and saying that her baby girl is growing up. We pull apart and the person who was crying was my mom.-Sigh- I knew she would be like this.

Then we went to the reservation and it was fun. It was one of my favorites days ever.

Ein pov

 Kai look so beautiful in that dress. I was happy to see my friends Aphmau and Aaron to get married,  they love each other as much I love my Kai. Today in the reservation I told Aaron that I will propose to Kai and he said it was fine. I can't wait to marry Kai in the future and having our pups/kittens in the same time.

After the wedding was finish we went to the reservation and I was with Kai and I hold on his hand.

I look at him and said "You look so beautiful, mate".

He started to blush and he said"Thanks, Honey"

"Your welcome my mate"I said huskily and he blushes more.

We went to the table were every bridesmaid and groomsmen where and we sat down.

We ate, talk and laugh it was so fun.

while we ate and talk I put my hand on Kai's baby bump and started to rub it. I look at him and he look at me and I smile at him and he blush. While rubbing it i was thinking that i can't wait for our twins to be born and hold them.

3 hours past by

I stood up and said " Can i have everyone attention please" and every one stop what they were doing and look at me.

"Ok since every one has my attention I'm going to say this to my boyfriend and that is Kai the first time I saw you was in high school and when I saw you I knew you were my mate I was shook that you were my mate since I'm a werewolf and you are a meif'wa but it didn't matter to me but I was so shy to say it and every time i had the confidence to say it I back out because i keep thinking that you will reject me, but after we saw each other again 4 months ago and I mark you by accident but i didn't care since you are my mate and we confess to each other, then three weeks after I mark you we found out that you were pregnant with our children I was so happy and after seeing Aphmau and Aaron get married I wanted that with you and raised our children" I got down in one knee and said "Will it be an honor and will you marry me".

I look at Kai and he had tears in his eyes and he said the words I wanted to hear " Y-Yes I-I will m-m-marry y-you Ein"

I stood up and put the ring in his ring finger and I kiss him and put my hand in the baby bump.

I heard cheering and some were crying.

This was one of the happiest days that ever happen to me and we continue on the wedding.



Kas: Another chapter done and hi guys how did y'all like the chapter today , in the next chapter will be the Kai and Ein and there will be a surprise in the next chapter hehe now here are Aphmau, Aaron, Ein and Kai.

Kai/Ein: Hi guys

Aphmau: So me and Aaron got marry

Aaron; Blushes

Kas: Yep

Kai/Ein: and we got engage

Kas: Yep and can y'all just say the disclaimer

Aphmau/Aaron/Kai/Ein: Kas don't own any of us, only the book and all credit goes to Aphmau and the crew well then bye

Kas: well then see y'all in the next chapter bye

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