Proposing (Aarmau)

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(In the beginning it will have Aarmau and u can see the title is that Aaron is going to propose and towards then end i will have some smut added in it of Kai and Ein) (Also Kai is in his second month of pregnancy so this like 1 month later)

Aaron pov (surprise)

It's been a month since Kai announced that he is pregnant with twins. Aphmau and I were  really happy for them. Today I'm going to propose to Aphmau and we are going on a date so is perfect.I also invited Kai, Ein, Garroth, Laurence, Zane, and Kawaii Chan for a quadruple date.(Pairs: Ein and Kai, Garroth and Laurence, Zane and Kawaii Chan) 

I'm really nervous of proposing but I will have everyone who is going on the date there to support me. I have everything ready and the place that where I'm going to propose is at Olive Garden. I know is nothing fancy but I know that Aphmau will love it there. I look at the clock and it was an hour before we leave so I went to change into a tuxedo and then I did my as normal I always have. 

40 minutes later

We only had ten minutes before we leave and then i heard our room door open and i saw Aphmau getting out and she looks so beautiful she had a purple dress that ended a inch bellow her knees, purples flats, a purple choker and her hair was down with braids at the each side of her head.

"Hey Aaron are you ready the others are waiting" Aphmau said. 

"Yeah I'm ready lets go" I said and i already have the engagement ring in the pockets of the tuxedo.

We left and when we got there everyone was already outside waiting for us.

"Hey guys" I said.

"Hi" the others said.

Then we went inside and got our reservation. We sat down we ate and we talk to the other people and we had fun.(A/N; also I forgot to say that Garroth and Laurence are dating and Zane and Kawaii Chan are dating also.) It was kinda weird to see Zane but I figured that he wanted to take Kawaii Chan to a date or is here to see Aphmau getting propose by me. Everyone did their own thing and that Garroth was whispering something to Laurence and Laurence giggling or kissing each other every 10 minutes. While Ein was holding hands with Kai and touching Kai belly. Kawaii Chan and Zane were talking and sating things that made the other person laugh but I didn't know that Zane had a romantic side because I could see Zane taking is mask off and then kiss Kawaii Chan in the lips. Aphmau and I were talking and we were having fun.

Ten minutes later 

"Can i have everyone attention" and I saw people who were in the Olive Garden look at me and also saw my table look at me since they knew that I'm about to propose.

"Ok i will have to say some thing to my girlfriend" I save Aphmau blush but i continue " Aphmau I love you so much and I remember when I met you in the game that we met and I really wanted to meet you in real life but I didn't know where you live until when you went to high school and we met but we didn't know that we already knew each other by our online names not our real names. I was acting as a jerk to you but you always tried to be my friend. then when you went to that music room because you were feeling down because of Laurence and Garroth since they were ignoring you since Laurence knew about the kiss with Garroth and I also was ignoring you so you sat down by the door were I was then you started to text me and saying that you were feeling down and you didn't know who to talk to then that when me and you heard the texting ding I then ask you if it was you then i knock three times in the door and i texted you if you heard the knocks and you said yeah an then you said if i heard the knock and i said yeah and then you texted me that we are in the same school than i open the door and you were so surprise that it was me all along the one who you sat next in werewolf class and being a jerk and you were about to leave when i grab your hand , you said that i can't be FC since in the game I was nice and in real life that i was a jerk to you and i said that you were Shu and that day was one of my favorite days since i met you and i just going to say this right know before i forget and will it be and honer and will you marry me and be my wife" I said and I saw Aphmau crying and she said the words I was waiting.

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