Chapter 13: How Complicated

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Levy sighed as she cooked breakfast, Juvia had slipped out early in the morning leaving Levy in the home since the other wicked sisters were visiting Sukuria. Her soon to be hated step sister slept in her home,while her brother slept in a another room. Levy simply passed out on a couch instead.

"Rogue can you please wake Sting up it's  already ten AM" Levy groaned trying to hold back her frustration with the sound of his incessant snoring.

Rogue nodded in a tired way, before standing up and shaking Sting awake " did I get here again?"

"I dragged you here because I didn't want to sleep up there!" She pointed up "With the witch, and I didn't want to be lonely so here you are"

"Ayh great" He mumbled ruffling up his hair. He wasn't  even listening and couldn't  care less about what came out her mouth, all he wanted to know was when breakfast was ready.

Levy dumped the eggs on two individual plates for Rogue and Sting. They gladly digged in hungrily. She looked up when she saw Yena --the bitch-- walking in the kitchen. Sting shuffled down his eggs before making out the kitchen door, most likely heading to the guild. "What's  for breakfast?"

Levy didn't  look up and spat out in a vicious tone "Eggs"

She pushed  another plate of scrambled eggs towards Yena,who made a repulsed expression "I only eat my eggs fried"

"I'm out of eggs" Levy mumbled, of course, it was when Yena decided to pay a visit Jin and Elie emptied out half the fridge before leaving.

"Then go get some more" Yena demanded tapping her nails on the counter,giving Levy a look saying how simple the task was. Without a word or a thought, Levy grabbed her bag,slipped on some shoes and began to head out the door.

"Where you going ?" Rogue asked curiously.

"To get some eggs" Levy explained  where else"

Juvia taped her hand on the wooden table, she slipped out early in the morning not wanting to cross paths with Yena again. She sat with Kaylanie,Persephone,Violet and Sierra. So far her day was going well as long as she didn't go home which wouldn't be a problem.

"So Violet how you liking Sabertooth lately?" Sierra asked placing her legs on the table.

"It's  been just great actually. Lisa has been learning so many new things and meeting new people! It couldn't  be better!" Violet exclaimed bowing her head  with a smile.  "Thank you so much for letting us in"

"No big deal, make yourselves at home from now on. Saving you guys wasn't a problem. Right Kay?" Sierra turned to the raven haired girl who had her eyes strained on something in the distance. "Kaylanie wake the fuck up already man"

"Huh" Kaylanie snapped  out of her intense gaze and looked up "What? I was doing something important"

"Like what?" Juvia perked up.

Kaylanie pointed to the bar, they all followed her finger to see Serena. She was currently waiting for her order when Yukino came back from the kitchen handing her a brown bag then walked back upstairs.

"So she's eating in her room and?" Juvia asked trying to find the strange link in all of this.

"It's not the food" Kaylanie shook her head  "it's that she's alone"

"What do you mean by that?" Persephone  questioned, becoming intrigued.

"For the past three weeks I haven't  seen Serena with Zayn" Persephone clutched her staff as Kaylanie continued "Think about it, they're inseparable for the most part and now, suddenly, they just don't talk anymore. What's happening?"

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