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  "Smile." They say. "Your smile brightens up the room."
So I smile, just a fake one.

"Be happy." They say. "Happiness expands your lifeline."
What they don't know is that I just want to die.

"I'm here for you." They say. "I'll always be by your side."
But what they don't realize, is that they just told a lie.

"It's okay to cry." They say. "Don't be shy."
They don't know that I just ran out of tears. 

" Insecurities get the better of people, but you must remember the ones who will always be by your side. Don't forget that someone will always care. Don't drown in an ocean of pain and tears. I know sometimes it's hard to not just give up, but you have to remember that many people do still love you for being you. You must remember that no matter what you face through life, bottling up your feelings won't help. It may seem the easiest way, and you may feel like your doing everyone a favor, but that just makes it harder for people that love you. Stress and anxiety can tear a person apart. Isolation can help, sometimes, but other times it makes you feel insane. Don't isolate yourself. No one can understand your feelings, because it's not theirs, it's yours, but having people supporting you always helps. Don't forget the people that love you for you. Don't forget that they will miss you. People WILL miss you. If life get's tough, and the world feels like it wants you to quit, prove it wrong and keep living on. Because throughout all the complications in life, everything has a reason, and everything will play out the way it should. So, these may just be a bunch of words, but know that this is true. Know that I took time to write this. Time I will never get back, but it's worth it. And I regret nothing. So keep living life to the fullest, because YOU ARE IMPORTANT! YOU ARE AMAZING! YOU ARE YOU! And I'm grateful for that. "

- Bianca Nicole (InfiniteStory10)


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