[24] arriving

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I woke up to breif talking.

"Dont wake him up! You all go in, ill do it."

I opened my eyes, I was laying on namjoon, the other five stood around the car, they then began to walk in the house.

He turned to me and smiled.

"Hey, we're here."

I nodded, sitting up and yawning.

"Let's go in?"

I nodded, we all walked in and gathered in the kitchen with our items.

"Well, there are three rooms, meaning three will have to share a room.  Namjoon and jin, jimin and jungkook and hoseok and I. So, we will play rock, paper ,scissors to decide who will have yoongi- not to be rude!"

Yoongi sighed and everyone laughed, holding out their hands.

We each chose one person to represent each room. Taehyung, jimin and I.

Taehyung held paper.

I held scissors.

Jimin held paper too.

"OK, tae and jimin play."

I grinned and pulled my hand out if the circle.

Jimin played rock.

Taehyung held paper.

Taehyung threw his hands up in victory.

"Jimin and  jungkook share a room with yoongi!"

Taehyung said, proudly.

They all nodded and headed to their rooms.

N A M J O O N* A N D* J I N

The two walked to their room. The room had one bed in the middle, a large dresser on the other skde of the room and a door that led to a bathroom.

jin threw his bag on the floor and fell on the bed.

Namjoon laughed and gently put his bag down, laying next to jin on the bed.

"Want to unpack tomorrow? Its ten pm and you're probably really tired. "

Namjoon whispered to jin.

Jin simply nodded and moved his body closer to namjoons, making them smile and get comfortable.

"Good night, I love you,sunshine.'

"Good night, love you too, flower."

The  soon fell asleep.


H O B I * A N D * T A E

They walked to their room. Hoseok immediately turned to taehyung.



"I have something really important to tell you.."

His words faded and hoseoks beautiful eyes began to fill with tears.

"Hey,hey,baby what's wrong?"

Taehyung rushed over to him, trying to comfort his boyfriend.

"Taehyung, will you leave me?"

Hoseok said, letting the tears run down his cheek.

"Of course not!"

"Even when things Go bad?"

"Ill stay with you, hoseok. You're who I want to be with, what's with you? What's the matter?"

"Tae..I'm pregnant."

Hoseok spoke, cover his teary eyes with the sleeves of his hoodie.

"Youre..you're what?"


a smile grew on taehyungs face.

"Youre pregnant! Baby, why would I leave you! That's amazing!"

Taehyug began to rub hoseok stomach.
Hoseok looked at taehyung.


"Yes! Really! I'm so excited! When's the due date!?  How far along are you? When will you tell the others?Boy  or girl?-wait ..are you keeping it?"

Taehyungs questions stopped.

Hoseok lifted his head.

"Taehyung..if I do have this baby..and I don't give it up..will you stay?"

Taehyung smiled and nodded.

"Of course."

"Ahh, my tae bear, I'm only a fee months along, but they said its a boy! And..I think I'll tell the others soon."

Taehyung smiled and hugged hoseok.

"Well, we can't have our baby staying up late, now can we? Let's go to sleep."

He giggled and they layed down.

[Author;actually fucking crying  cus this is cute AF]


The three spread out in the room. The all soon went to bed.


Jimin woke up in a forest, he felt like the world was closing in on him. There was two males infront if him. the two he loved the most, one more than the other. yoongi and jungkook.

yoongi held a lighter. Jungkook took the lighter and lit yoongis arms on fire, causing everything around him to go up in flames . he couldn't move, jimin couldn't scream. jungkook stood and Watched as yoongi began to burn.


Jimin woke up in a panic. tears ran down His face. He turned to jungkook and wrapped his arms around him, only to be pushed off.

"I don't want  to snuggle, get off."

Jimin started to sob. He crawled over to yoongis bed and wrapped his arms around yoongi.

"H-hey, jimin what happened?"

" I had a bad dream, please snuggle with me."

jimin whimpered.

"Of course."

yoongi embraced jimin and wrapped the blanket around the two.

'Is this what love feels like?'

Yoongi thought as he stayed awake, counting jimins heartbeats.



Sorry for spelling errors and grammar mistakes



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