[26] water and fire

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"I swear to god, taehyung! I will drown you!"

jimin yelled as taehyung splashed water at him and everyone else around him, not including hoseok.

we had been in the pull for a few hours, and it was now around lunch time, but we chose not to eat yet.

I climbed out of the pool and continued to the kitchen of the house. i began making seen sandwiches. I was so focused on my sandwich-making that , when i felt hands glide down my chest, I screamed.

"shh,shh! sunshine! its me!"

namjoon exclaimed.

"boy! you scared me! you little shit!"

i yelled.

we chuckled and he hugged me.

"you done?"

it had been five minutes sense i finished making the food, but I was so warm and comfortable, i just wanted to stay in that position.

I hummed. he took his arms back and helped me bring the food to the others, who were still in the pool. everyone ate and it soon got dark. everyone went to their separate rooms.


i was playing a video game, while sitting on the bed. hoseok sat next to me and kept talking to me, I hummed in response but i was paying attention to the game. he rolled his eyes and layed his hand on my thigh. my breath hItched and i ended up loosing the game.


i screeched. he looked down and sat at the other end of the bed, he curled in a ball. i sighed and frowned.

"im sorry,baby."

i said as I scooted closer, I wrapped my arm around him. and when i though he was going to hug back, i felt sharp teeth stab my arm.

i screamed.


I ripped my arm away.

he stared at me and grinned.

"you wouldn't pay attention to me."

we both laughed and he massaged my arm.


an hour later and we all decided to have a bon fire in the backyard. jimin had been acting weird as we began to start the fire.

jungkook grabbed a lighter.

"ill light it."

i nodded but from the corner of my eye, i could see jimin stiffen, although, i didn't question it.

jungkook attempted to light the fire, but could not.

yoongi raised his hand, with a lighter in it.

" i got it."

I saw jimin jump up.

"n-no! yoongi..i-i got it."

jimin grabbed it from yoongi and lit the fire.

we then all gathered around it.


I was still confused about why jimin was acting so weird, but after the fire was set , I saw jimin walk out to the pool. i walked up behind him.

"j-jimin, whats wrong?"

he jumped and turned to me, with tears in his eyes.

"oh, yoongi!"

he grabbed me and began to sob in my shoulder.

I wrapped my arms around him.

"jimin, whats wrong?"

"t-the other night..when i had the nightmare... in it..j-jungkook sat you on fire! a-and i couldnt do anything! just watch! I don't want to loose you, yoongi!"

i sighed and hugged him tighter.

"jimin, listen to me."

I pulled away and cupped his cheeks.

"you will never loose me. i will stay with you forever, it will be okay. ok? please dont worry about this."

jimin sniffled and stared at me.



jimin then leaned in, connecting our lips. shock took over me, which took about five seconds for the reality to kick in, and i began kissing back.

we both pulled away and I rested my forehead on his.



"would..you, maybe..like to be more than just friends?"

"of course. b-but youre with jungkook."

"I-I'm actually not..anymore..i will hopefully be with an amazing male named 'min-yoongi'?"

i nodded.

"well, this 'min-yoongi' is a very lucky guy."

"not as lucky as I am."


forgive me for spelling errors and grammar mistakes, thank you all<3


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