Chapter 19

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A week later and Don was finally released from the hospital. He was really pushing for it hoping Meryl would get more rest once they were no longer in the hospital. Meryl was a little hesitant given that he had brain surgery only one week before. He was still on some heavy pain killers and antibiotics to ward off any sort of infection. They had only unwrapped his head for good that morning. Every time they changed his bandage it always made them a little down as his shaven head filled with staples was a reminder of all he had gone through. For Don it upset him because he hated how he looked and he knew how much Meryl loved his black curls. It upset Meryl because it showed everything he had gone through at the hands of his father and Mann. Neither of them had said much about it. It was decided that they would stay in a hotel in the city for a few days before going to her parents' house in Jersey to continue his recovery. She wanted to remain close to his doctors for a few days just in case he developed any complications. As much as they wanted to be with Henry it was decided that he would be better cared for by her parents as Don still had to be extremely careful and Henry was only 17 months old so he didn't quite understand. Don also wanted to make sure Meryl got some rest because he knew she wouldn't slow down once she got him to her parents and it was important to him that she and the baby were okay. The guilt of what he did, tried to, during his last episode was still with him though he tried to push it to the back burner. He figured it always would be.


Meryl walked into Don's hospital room after setting up a special surprise for him. Surprised to see him standing in front of the mirror looking at himself in all different directions as he kept rubbing his hands over his now bald head that was bruised and filled with staples. It reminded her of how she knew she would soon be looking at herself in the mirror once her baby bump grew. Her heart actually hurt when she heard the discontented sigh escape his lips. She hoped what she had in the bag she was holding that her mother dropped off would help. To her his bald head was just another reminder of how he would protect her and their family at all costs. She decided to make her presence known and hoped she could reassure him and make him feel better like he always did her. "Hey there, handsome."

"I look like a freak show." Don sighed. "I'm not handsome; you don't have to call me that anymore."

Meryl shook her head as she walked over to him and turned him around so she could stand on her tip toes and kiss him. "You are so incredibly gorgeous and handsome you take my breath away. I know it's a shock, but your hair will grow back. Your life and health is so damn much more important than hair."

"I know." Don sighed.

Meryl could tell he really didn't believe that; at least not in this moment.  "Don, your bald head is a reminder of how you would do ANYTHING for me and our babies. It is a reminder of how much you love us and how much we mean to you. It is a reminder of your dedication to our family. It shows your bravery and courage. As much as I HATE that those fuckers did this to you all I care about is that you're doing so well and you are still with us. That means more to me than your head full of black curls; though they will come back."

"You're right." Don softened. "I'm so damn lucky to have you."

Meryl shook her head. "No, I'm the lucky one because I get you for the rest of my life and I am going to make damn sure you get stronger and healthier."

"As much as I miss our little booger it will be nice to be in a hotel room with you for a few days." Don wiggled his eye brows. 

Meryl shook her head. "You're something else. Oh, Mom brought you some things from the Millerton house we thought you might like."

"My Yankees, Kinicks and stocking caps." Don smiled as he looked in the bag and put a Yankees hat on. "You know, in honor of the beginning of the season."

Meryl and Don: An Unforeseen JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now