Chapter 16

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"How is he, Hal?" Meryl choked as she reached out for her mother's hand and sat back down on the bed. "How is my husband?"

Dr. Abbott caught his breath from running in there and a huge smile appeared on his face. "He did amazingly!"

"Really, he did?" Meryl burst out in tears of relief and subconsciously put her arms over her belly that sheltered their baby.

Dr. Abbott smile. "He did, really. Everything went incredibly well; better than I could have hoped for. The neurosurgeon got ALL of the bone chips and lesions without even touching his brain which is incredible. That's why I wanted him to do the surgery."

"Paralysis? Speech?" Meryl asked concerned.

Dr. Abbott shrugged. "We of course won't know until he comes around but judging by what I saw and conversations throughout with the surgeon that shouldn't be a concern. He's even off the ventilator already which is amazing considering his other injuries."

"Thank God." Meryl choked. "The episodes? I'm afraid he won't let me or Henry around him until he knows for SURE that they are gone."

Dr. Abbott smiled as he took her hand. "You will have YOUR Don back, just like we wanted. It was the lesions and chips causing that and they are gone. There would have been a chance that his personality would change if the doctor had touched his brain but he DIDN'T. As I said he was able to remove all those things changing Don without even touching the brain. I still want to do another scan in a few days; but I just did one on him before coming in here and it came back clear. I truly believe he's back."

"Thank you, Hal, thank you so much." Meryl cried as she hugged their doctor and friend. "You have been so amazing to Don and me; you have gone way beyond the call of duty."

Dr. Abbott got serious when he pulled away and looked at Meryl. "Meryl, Don has been my patient and friend since he moved here. I meant what I said earlier, he came alive when he met you and you had Henry. I see lots of couples everyday and I don't know if I've ever seen a couple with as much love and respect for each other as you and Don have for one another. I will do whatever I can to help you and your family."

"Thank you." Meryl smiled. "I'm glad other people see what we share."

Mary couldn't help but laugh as she hugged her daughter. "Everyone sees it! Some more amazing news!"

"Are you okay, Meryl? I heard you collapsed but knew Dr. Johnson was taking good care of you. I figured you would want me to stay with Don." Dr. Abbott said.

Meryl nodded her head. "Yes, I wanted you with him since I couldn't be."

"Mary, you should tell him." Meryl's mom said not so quietly. "He is your doctor and in case you don't feel well while you're up here with Don." 

Meryl knew her mother was right. "Dr. Abbott please don't tell Don, or anyone, what I'm going to tell you."

"Of course." Dr. Abbott said seriously and was concerned after what he heard her mother say. "Doctor patient confidentiality."

Meryl nodded as she smiled. "I'm pregnant. At the end of my first trimester. We are both fine. I just had some false negative home tests."

"That's wonderful, Meryl!" Dr. Abbott exclaimed. "Don is going to be over the moon. Why don't you want him to know?"

Meryl shook her head. "No, it's not that; I can't wait to tell him. I wish he would have been with me when I found out. I just don't want him to hear about anyone else."

"Of course." Dr. Abbott smiled.

Meryl grabbed her purse. "When can I see him?"

"Go on back to the waiting room with the rest of your family and I'll come get you once he's out of recovery and in his room." Dr. Abbott smiled. "Go get something to eat and relax; I'll come get you soon."

Meryl and Don: An Unforeseen JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now