Chapter 79

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The Browns and Gummers were having a great afternoon at the zoo. It wasn't too hot and proved to be just what they needed. Liz, Maggie and Meryl went to get snacks for everyone and when they came back to where the men were with Henry and Susie, Meryl became nervous at a conversation she walked in on and heard what Don said. "Okay buddy, you can ride the colt. We need to wait for Mommy to get back so she can see you."

"What?" Meryl asked. "What's going on? He's riding a COLT?!"

Mike saw the worried look on Meryl's face. "Hey Henry and Susie, come with Grandpa and we can feed the goats. Is that okay, Mer?"

"That's fine." Meryl took a deep breath. "Please don't let him out of your sight. Make sure he holds your hand the entire time."

Maggie and Liz exchanged looks and knew what was going on. Meryl was terrified for Henry to be around a lot of people. When kidnapping could happen quite easily. Liz spoke up. "Mags and I will go; he'll have lots of eyes on him."

"Thank you." Don said as he grabbed Meryl's hand and led her to a bench to sit down so they could still see Henry. "What's wrong?"

Meryl kept her eyes on Henry and waved back as he waved at her. "You're letting him ride a colt?"

"Baby, Larry and I did it all the time when we were kids when Mags and Mike brought us here." Don tried to soothe. "It's incredibly safe. Imagine how excited Hen will be to ride an actual colt!"

Meryl shook her head. "Where? Will he be in a saddle? You know how wiggly he is. Will someone be holding him on there so he's safe? Will we be able to see him?"

"Sweetheart, it's right there." Don said pointing to where the colt rides are. "This isn't about a colt ride."

Meryl looked at Don with tears in her eyes. "Do you know how easy it is for a child to be kidnapped on a busy day at a place like the zoo? How do we know we can trust the person who will be with him? Don, it can happen in the blink of an eye."

"I know, baby." Don sighed. "Believe me, I know."

Meryl nodded as she stroked his cheek. "I know you do; I'm sorry. I'm just..."

"You fought like HELL for that boy." Don said with s kiss to her lips. "We're going to keep him safe."

Meryl looked over at how much fun he was having. "Do you have any idea how hard it is for me to let him out of my sight? To let Mom, Dad or the Browns or Third and Maeve watch him? They all LOVE him to death. But they're not us."

"I know, Darl." Don said as he too looked at Henry playing. "Baby, I feel the same way. I wish I could lock you both up so you're safe; but I can't and it's not healthy. Us coming here is a BIG step. How about I ride with him?"

Meryl looked at Don. "So I worry about both of you?"

"Someone will be walking the colt. We'll be going like 2 miles per hour." He said making her laugh. "You can watch us. I won't let anything happen to him."

Meryl nodded. "I know you won't and I know how happy it would make him. I don't know what's wrong with me."

"You were beat, you were tortured, you were raped." Don whispered as he tucked her hair behind her ear. "You and Henry kept each other alive. You offered yourself as a sacrifice so he would be safe. You are such an amazing mother, wife and person; and I am so god damn proud of you."

Meryl wiped her tears. "Thank you; you don't think I'm crazy?"

"No." Don said kissing her forehead. "I think you're the best mother and wife in the universe."

Meryl and Don: An Unforeseen JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now