Chapter 2-The Call

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It's been a week since we've heard news about my father... I can't help but wonder if he's given up... Left me alone and gone back to his wiskey. But I know not to be too hopeful. Hope is just another way to be let down in the end... Hope makes you believe in the impossible. I spent so long hoping for a father I'd never get, hope does nothing good for you, it's better to just face the reality, then at least it hurts a little less in the end.

Brrring brrring brrring.

The sound of my house phone interrupts my pointless thoughts, my mom went to the store half an hour ago so I'm the only one home to answer the phone.

I walk out my bedroom door, down the creaky stairs, and towards the kitchen. The ringing hasn't stopped yet so I know I still have time to answer it... I could just let it go to voicemail. I decide against it, it's just a phone call. I'll tell the person my mom isn't home and they'll call back later. I take the silver phone from it's holding place in the corner of the kitchen counter and reluctantly put it to my ear.

"Hello, Bane residence, who's this?" I'm not sure why I spoke so formally, maybe I wanted to mask the fear in my voice. I always get nervous when answering calls, I don't exactly have any reasoning, I just freak out.

"Hey... Who am I speaking to?" The voice on the other end is deep, raspy, I know now I'm talking to a man. They must have some sort of problem with their lungs but that doesn't help me to figure out who I'm talking to, nobody I can think of has lung problems that I know of... I think about telling the man my name, but I don't know this person. He could be gathering information about me to murder me or something. He could be a criminal for all I know, after all, I don't recognize his voice. It is just a name though, there's nothing he can really get out of it. I'll tell him my name but I won't tell him anything else.

"My name is Magnus Bane, who is this?" I hear him suck in a breath, and he holds for quite some time, saying nothing in return. Why does he seem surprised by my name? He couldn't possibly know who I am if I don't know him. But then again, maybe I do know him, maybe I just don't remember that voice.

"Sir?" I ask. Maybe he hung up, realising he called the wrong number, I haven't heard any sign of him still being there... I wait a few more seconds before speaking up again.

"Sir I'm not sure if you're still there but if you're looking for my mother she's just gone to the store to pick up a few things, she should be back withing the hour." Silence. Who is this person? He's wasting my time, not that I have anything else better to do with my time... But I could at least be laying down, this man is just plain annoying.

"Is there maybe a message I could tell my mother for you? I'd be happy to pass it on." I hear him breathe again, meaning he hasn't hung up. I have no clue who this person is or why I'm still waiting for him to talk.

"M-Magnus... Is that really you?" He knows who I am... It really isn't fair, he gets to know who I am but still hasn't told me who he is. I'm done playing these games.

"WHO ARE YOU?!?" I finally snap, losing my sweet, welcoming voice I had talking to him before.

"Wow... It's really sad..." He pauses before continuing. "My own son doesn't know my voice." Son? Did he just call me his son? Am I talking to my father?

A tear rolls down my cheek, anger is boiling inside me, whatever niceness I had talking to him at first is completely gone now.

"SON?!? I DON'T KNOW WHO YOU THINK YOU ARE BUT YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO CALL ME YOUR SON! YOU GAVE THAT UP LONG AGO AND YOU CAN NEVER GET IT BACK NOW. WHY'D YOU EVEN CALL ME? WHY WON'T YOU JUST GET OUT OF MY LIFE AND STAY OUT?" Now that I've gotten some anger out I have time to think... This may be my only chance to ever meet my father... No matter how much I hate him for leaving me at such a young age, I'd still like to know who he is. But I won't ask to meet up with him somewhere...

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