Chapter 20- Just A Dream

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I swear time froze in that moment.

I look around me, everything seems calm.

Alexander still has that loving smile on his face, eyes soft and gentle, staring into my own. He looks peaceful.

Out the window the sun is slowly rising, morning dew lays peacefully on green grass. Birds are chirping, singing their beautiful morning songs. A squirrel runs quietly across the branches of the tree 15 feet from the house. Horses are running around playfully with each other.

All seems well, all seems peaceful.

Until I look behind me.

There stands my father at the door of my room, I didn't even hear the door open, but here he is.

He stands out from the rest of the world, where I see peacefulness, happiness, beauty, calmness, here all I see is agression. Anger, hatred, and rage are written all over my father's face right now.

What I wouldn't give to go back to a few minutes ago, where it seemed that absolutely nothing could go wrong.

I look back to Alexander and see time start moving again.

He goes from peace to fear. A look I have never wanted to see on this boys face.

His eyes are no longer soft and gentle, they're filled with fear and worry.

I can no longer hear the birds chirping, though they still could be. Maybe my mind has just shut off all good in the world, all peace has been lost within me due to this one man.

My father comes at me with such violence, that I fear death.

He pulls me out of the bed and away from Alec, I hit the floor with a loud bang.

I faintly hear screams from Alec, but it seems like they're in the distance.

"You're gonna get what you deserve fag." He spits at me.

His foot comes down onto my stomach so hard I almost puke, I want to tell Alexander to run, not to get involved, but nothing comes out when I try.

"If you thought your life was hell before, boy... You ain't seen nothing yet."

He kicks me in the side, hard.

"You don't deserve to live."

And again.

"This better fix you."

He lifts me up by the collar of the shirt I slept in, slamming my back into the wall and holding me there.

"You will never be my son. My son wouldn't be such a pussy. My son wouldn't be so ugly. My SON WOULDNT BE A FAG!" He screams, with every sentence he punched me hard in the jaw.

I feel tears coming but I can let them fall.

"STOP!" Alec. I almost forgot he was still here.

He's kneeling up on the bed, his hand in the air.

I make eye contact with him, he looks sad.

I shake my head slowly, warning him to just let it be.

But he set his jaw, a new determined look shows on his face.

"Alec please. Just go." I beg.

My father drops me forcefully, letting my bruised body hit the floor roughly.

And he turns to face Alec.

"No, no, Magnus. Let's hear what the boy has to say." My father says, there's a creepy tone in his voice, something that tells me this is going to go a lot worse than I had thought.

"Magnus is amazing, and I think that you should see that. Your son is more than just a label. Please don't hurt him." He looks up at my father with pleading eyes.

Asmodeus grabs him by the arm and pushes him forcefully out the door, locking it so Alec can't get back in.

Then he turns back to me.

"Your little friend must not know you well. 'amazing.' hmph. More like garbage."

He continues hitting me, kicking me, throwing me around. And once again, I don't fight back. A part of me wants to, but the other part tells me that it would only make this worse, and that I deserve what's happening. It seems that the second part always wins.

Blackness rushes in, clouding my vision. I get really dizzy, and then I lose consciousness completely.


"Do you think he's gonna wake up soon?"


"Magnus, baby, come back to me."

I can hear them, but I can't see them, I can't feel them.

There's a beeping noise somewhere too, it's extremely annoying but I don't think it'll stop.

I try moving my arm, but I can't. My body is completely unresponsive.

"Magnus please. I can't lose you." That voice was my mother's.

Where am I?

"I'm not sure if you can hear me, but if you can, just know that I love you. Hold on to that. Fight to come back Magnus. Please." Alec's voice gives me a sense of security. My father better not have hurt him, but whatever happened to me thankfully didn't happen to him since he's here.

I want to tell him that I love him too, but I can't.

My entire body is screaming to reach out to him, hold him, kiss him, make sure he knows how much he means to me, and to tell him that I'll be okay.  But nothing's happening.

All I can do is sit here in my own mind, listening to the voices of the people I love tell me over and over to wake up and to be strong.

And the one thing I don't feel is strong.

From what I can tell, my mom and Alec are for sure both here, and the first voices I heard were Jasmine and Theo, so I'm gonna assume those two and Faith are here as well. So far those are the only voices Ive heard.

I'm just hoping my father and Kathy aren't here, pretending to be worried about me. But something tells me Alec would make sure they weren't here.

"What happened to him?" My mother asks.

I know Jas won't say anything, but I don't know if Alec will. I guess I can't stop him or tell him not to anyways.

"He fell." Jasmine says before Alec can say anything.

"Yeah, the three of us were out riding horses this morning and his got spooked, must have seen something in the trees." Alec plays along.

"He got thrown off the horse and stepped on, he must have hit his head so hard that he slipped into a coma." Jasmine adds.

A coma. I'm in a coma? No. No I can't be. This is all just a dream.

"My poor boy. Magnus you're going to be okay, you're strong." My mother tells me.

I don't have to be strong though.

It's just a dream.

Just a dream.

I will wake up soon and be in Alec's arms back in my room at my dad's.

Because this is just a dream.

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