Chapter: 5

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Werewolf Olivia's POV
I rise from the ground where I once lay faster than lightning. The pulsating in my head begins to slow and weaken, my vision be comes so clear and vibrant.  I could hear a pin drop in a rave from several blocks away.
I look to The glorious full moon that now has rule over the night sky.  A joyous howl escapes from my mussel. Thoughts filled with anger course through my mind.
Arg! I hate Lois Lane, all she ever does is get caught by the attacker of the day only to be saved by that blue leotard wearing hero!  She is it's a picture of loyalty, she is dating Clark Kent, and yet she's always saved by that alien!  She talks of faithfulness and yet she throws herself into the arms of another man!  I should be the one with Clark! I was always there for him even in the beginning of our lives back in Kansas!  Ugh!
I growl loudly to myself. Pacing back-and-forth on my hind legs.  With one sweep of my paw, I knock everything off of the kitchen counter. 
I swiftly make my way through the open door to my bedroom.  Keeping my shoulders hunched and my tail close to my legs I shuffle my way through the small door opening.  I eye the pillows, like a a great huntress stalking her prey, and with one swoop I have ripped through the pillowcase and the pillow itself now the fillings shower me on the bed.  Looking at the sheets and comforter now, I scoop them up in my giant gaping tooth filled mouth.  I tug at them with all of my might and in a instant, the sheets pull off the mattress.  I begin a kill shake moving my head back-and-forth rapidly as possible, I hear the seems rip snap and pop in my powerful jaws.  I begin to feel a immense feeling of euphoria. Nothing can kill this mood I need to destroy and rip this to shreds. There is nothing in this world that can re-create this feeling, the feeling of power to destroy and change anything at my command.
After working out my anger and energy I begin to feel rather sleepy.  Like a little puppy at one in the morning, The need for sleep becomes a bit more than I can bare.
"Done with your tantrum, diaper baby?" The obnoxious man in blue and red smiles sickeningly.
I growl and claw at his face, no one insults me in impunity.  My paw makes contact, the man staggers a little but nothing more.
"Now be out of my sight, heathen!" I roar, new anger and energy surging through me. Whatever tiredness I had screams away from me in an instant. A small smile is just barely noticeable on his face. He puts his palms up defensively.
"You are not backing away that easily! I will tear you limb from limb!" I sneer.
He starts to talk to me all baby like, "calm down, you're a good girl! Who is my good girl!"
"How dare you patronize me! You have no right to tell me what I am!" I slash his cape, claws getting caught for a moment, but only for a moment. A slight sting of pain screeches through my claws, like getting them cut too close by the vet. I let a small yip escape from my lips. I retract my claws quickly, licking the back of my paw, "Ow! That hurt! Your cape is dumb and I hate it!" I insult childishly.
I yawn, opening my mouth wide! My need for sleep catching up on me. Turning my attention to the untouched mattress, lazily I claw on all fours to the bed where I curl up and cover my eyes with my long tail. Yawning one final time, I curl up and fall into a deep sleep.
Superman's POV
I see her deep, slow breaths as she lays asleep on the empty mattress. I can't help but smile at how adorable she looks, laying in the bed sleeping. I should find a blanket or something to cover her up while she sleeps.
Searching through her apartment, I find a big fleece, navy blue blanket.
I couldn't understand what she was trying to say to me while she was freaking out as a crazy wolf creature.  I can only assume they were insults of some kind.  I can't but feel sorry for her, the amount of money she must use to replace all the stuff she destroys must put a damper on what she does.
I lay the blanket over Olivia, she doesn't even twitch at the fabric that is now draped over her large body.  I plant a kiss on the top of her head, "I know what you are but I will always love you."

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