Chapter 2: Jazlyn

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Harry set down set down a glass of blood for me to drink. I stared at it hesitantly. I didn't want to break the glass, like I did with the table. Taking a deep breath, I reached over and picked up the glass. When I grasped onto the glass, it shattered in my hand. The blood spilled in between my fingers. Without even knowing, I licked off the blood in my hands, enjoying the warm delicious taste that it carried.

Harry walked over to me and pulled my hand away from my lips. He had a washcloth with him and wiped away the blood, scooped the glass shards in his hand, and threw them away. "Maybe we should ask Angelina to train you," Harry suggested quietly.

"No," I shook my head. "I rather you teach me."

"Baby, it's best to learn from the teacher rather than another student."

"I don't want to!" I said, slamming my fist against the chair. Wooden shards flew everywhere. My hand was in between the back of the chair. I slowly pulled my hand away from the chair and tried to clear my throat. "Look, I just don't want to deal with her right now. Is that so hard to understand?"

He sighed, shaking his head. "It's just she understands this life better than I do. She can explain better."

"I understand how you explain things," I said, wrapping my arms around his neck. "I trust you, Harry, more than anything."

Harry smiled weakly and kissed me. "I love you, Jazlyn. Everything I do is because I love you. You know that right?"

I nodded, "Of course, I know that."

Liam and Zayn go downstairs, no longer wearing their suits from last night. "We need to leave," Zayn told us.

"Why?" I asked them. "What's going on?"

Liam turned on the TV that went straight to the news. A newswoman was talking in French and behind her was the Eiffel Tower. The camera zoomed to view a broken window that was on the second floor and then transitioned to the top floor where the champagne bar was. "Angelina sent them a check using a fake identity for the damages, but it'll still be safe if we all get out of Paris."

"Where are we going to go?" Harry asked.

"Doesn't matter," Angelina said as she went downstairs. Her dress was replaced with a floral skirt and a red shirt. "What matters is we need to get out of France. Niall has an idea of where we can go so that there wouldn't be any interruptions until Jazlyn is a stable vampire."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I questioned her.

"Until you control your new powers and strength, its best if we're away from civilization."

"I can control them," I snapped.

"Like how you controlled that table, or that broken glass, what about my chair? Is that your way of saying your powers are controlled?"

"You know what..." I said, stepping towards her, but Harry stopped me.

"She's only trying to help." Harry looked at Angelina. "When are we leaving?"

"Now," Angelina said, pushing four pieces of luggage towards us.

I looked at Angelina. "And we can't stay one night here because..."

"Do you want Jacob to come here?"

I shrugged, "Don't see the problem with that. I can probably win a fight against him now that I'm a vampire."

Angelina looked at Zayn. "I liked her so much more when she was a human."

"You shouldn't have changed me then."

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