Chapter 29: Harry

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“Baby!” I called out through the castle.

Jazlyn decided to be a tease and leave me all alone in my room. She promised me that she would be back, but she never returned. I think she was having her revenge for what I did to her a week ago while we were on the plane ride back to England. I took her into one of the private rooms in the jet and teased her and not giving her what she wanted.

She told me that she was over it when we got back. Today, she was cuddling with me in the living room and dragged me upstairs. She was acting seductive, kissing me, and touching me. And then, she just pulled away and said that she was going to be right back. So, I took off my shirt and trousers and waited for her.

That was three hours ago.

“Jazlyn?” I called out again. “Baby, where are you hiding?”

I looked for her in the kitchen, asked Liam and Zayn, and looked in the living room. I walked into the office and started looking for her. Angelina's eyebrows furrowed as she watched me from her desk. She watched as I looked behind furniture and even opened the secret passageway to the cellar.

“What are you doing?” Angelina questioned me once the passage way shut.

“Have you seen Jazlyn?”

“Nope,” she answered and continued to write in a large black leather bound journal that could be as thick as an encyclopedia.

It had been a week since we got back from Ireland and Angelina's coronation. The problem with that was, Angelina and Niall were still here.

“So...” I began.

Angelina continued to write in the journal, “I haven't seen her.”

“Yep,” I nodded.

“Try seeing if she is with the girls. I think they were girls laughing in the art room.”

“Alright,” I shifted my weight on my other foot. “So...”

Finally, Angelina looked up at me. She shrugged, “What?”

“It's been a week since we got back from Ireland,” I informed her.

She nodded slowly, “So?”

“I'm just saying,” I shrugged. “It doesn't seem like there's a threat anymore either.”

“Well, it depends if you're planning on killing another vampire,” Angelina shrugged and got back to writing.

I don't think I was getting the hint out to her. “Shouldn't you be going somewhere?” I asked her. “Somewhere special with someone you love.”

“Well, Niall is planning on taking me to dinner in town tonight, if that's what you mean.”

I groaned, “Shouldn't you be going somewhere more extravagant than a restaurant?”

Angelina thought about it. “You do have a point. I should go somewhere more extravagant than a restaurant.” I smiled that she finally understood what I meant. “I think I'm going to take me t this new five star restaurant. I heard great things about it.” Or not...

I rolled my eyes, “Alright, if you insist on that.”

“Have fun looking for Jazlyn,” Angelina waved as I moved towards the door.

I stopped and looked at her, “Angelina, when are you...”

“Later on today,” she answered before I finished.


“I know you were planning on asking when I was going on my honeymoon so that the countdown for your wedding could begin. We're leaving later on today and only Liam knows where we are and I ordered him not to tell or show anyone where Niall and I will be.”

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