Chapter 4: Jazlyn

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When we landed in Brazil, it made it Harry’s priority to find me something to drink. He immediately fed me three bags of blood. After my thirst was satisfied for the time being, we all took a local bus ride to the Oceanside. I sat near the window so that I could see the sights. I smiled when I saw the beautiful sculpture of Jesus Christ. The air smelled of tropics and food that the villagers were cooking to sell. I was able to smell the ocean before I could even see it.

We went to the harbor in search for a boat that we could use to get to the mysterious island that Angelina knew about. The humidity and the sun were surrounding all of us. I stared up at the sky and looked down at my skin. It was having a slight pinkish tint, confusing me.

Harry noticed and grabbed a beach towel close by and wrapped it around me. “What boat are we looking for?”

Angelina looked back at Harry with eyebrows raised. “A boat? Why on earth do you think I’ll get a boat?” Angelina turned around and gasped. “Marcelo!” She ran over and hugged a man that was four inches taller than her.

¿Como vai?

Tudo bem,” Angelina smiled. “Is it ready?”

Marcelo nodded, “At the very end, make a left. She’s fully fueled for you. Have fun, Karina.”

“Happy health, my friend,” Angelina smiled.

“Karina?” I whispered to Harry.

Harry shrugged, looking at Liam for answers. Liam leaned towards us. “It’s her fake name for here. Angelina is her great grandmother and Karina is the great granddaughter who inherited everything that Great Grandmother Angelina owned.”

I rolled my eyes, smirking. Angelina had to change her name so that no one can be suspicious of her age. Once Marcelo was gone, Angelina smiled and grabbed Niall’s hand. She squealed excitedly as she ran towards the directions Marcelo directed her. We all followed her and stopped. I shouldn’t have been surprised by now, but I still was. In front of us was a sleek black and white yacht. She was already climbing up to step on the ship.

“What doesn’t she have?” I questioned Harry.

He shrugged, going on the yacht. “Honestly, I’m still trying to figure it out.”

“Please, tell me she doesn’t own the island we’re going to stay on.”

Harry laughed and kissed my shoulders, “I have no idea, Baby. Just be happy that we get to live the luxury life.”

“Trust me, I am.” I stepped on the yacht, looking around. The wooden floors were cherry, everything polished, and everything described the taste Angelina loves.

“Three decks in total,” Angelina informed us. “This is the main deck. The upper deck has an awesome view and great place to get a tan.”

“Because our kind enjoy tanning,” Louis joked.

“The lower deck has a resting place, food, beverages,” she listed, “Jet Skis…”

Liam, Louis, Zayn, and Harry stopped looking around and looked at Angelina. She looked casually around with pursed lips and stared at us. Seeing our faces made her smirk.

Niall looked at everyone confused, “What’s a jet ski?”

Angelina smiled, “Just because we’re hiding doesn’t mean we can’t have a little fun.”

We took sail into seas immediately due to everyone’s excitement about having Jet Skis on board. Harry was bouncing up and down with so much excitement in his eyes. Angelina asked me if I wanted to join Harry, Liam, Louis, and her on the jet skis, but I shook my head.

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