Chapter 23: Harry

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I groaned, feeling my chest aching. It was extremely hot too. It felt like I was in at a desert in the summer with its unforgivable heat. I kicked away the sheets and turned over to the other side, but it was too hot for me to go back to sleep. I sighed and sat up. Right away, it felt like a wave tackled me. My eyes could barely focus properly and I felt uneasy.

Getting out of bed, I decided to splash water on my face. The cold water reaching my burning body felt relaxing. I patted my face dry and thankfully my vision was back on track. That's when I noticed it.

Where I was stabbed was much worse. Some of the black lines sprouted close to my collarbone and other lines went farther down towards my torso. I lightly touched close to where the penetration was and winced. As I slipped on my button up shirt, there was a knock on the door.

“Harry?” Angelina stepped inside.

“In here,” I said.

“I got some...” Angelina frowned when she was in front of me. “Are you alright?”

I rolled my eyes. “I don't know, Angelina. I think I'm alright. I mean what's not to be alright about? I think I have every reason to be alright, especially when my girl was kidnapped by a psychopath.”

“That's not what I meant,” Angelina said calmly, but I knew that she was getting irritated.

“Then, what did you mean?”

“I just meant you don't look so well. Your skin is paler and your eyes are slightly red.”

“Look, I will be fine when all of this is over and Jacob is dead. Alright?! Now, get out of here and leave me alone unless you have something that involves Jazlyn.”

“She was able to get in contact with me. She tried describing where she was, but she saw nothing but a field and an oak tree. Jazlyn assumes that she is in a three story home, but it's not a fact.”

“That's enough information,” I said, moving passed her. “We're going to Holmes Chapel.”

Angelina gripped my shoulder, “I'm not done.”

“What else is there?”

“She was very concerned for you. She told me to check on you. I tried asking her why, but we lost connection and I haven't been able to get in touch with her since. I don't think Jacob has another stone, but I do think he is using some type of concoction that's blocking the connections.”

“Where are the others?” I asked. “Are they out looking for her?”

“Niall had a sense that Jacob was in London recently, so he went to go look.”

“Why didn't you call me for this?”

“Jacob thinks we're dead. I think that's the best idea for us right now. Let's try giving him the element of surprise.”

I rolled my eyes, “Because the last element of surprise worked so well last time.”

Liam popped his head in the room. “Niall's back. You have to see what he found.”

We all moved downstairs. Louis was on the laptop and he had a video set up for us to watch. I stood by as I watched Jacob coming near Jazlyn and how his hand struck her delicate cheek. The fear in her eyes made me want to search for her and the pain caused my anger to boil within me even more that it already has.

“He wants us to find a way to connect to him...” Liam muttered. “What is that supposed to mean?”

“Play back to where he slapped her,” Angelina instructed. Louis did what he was told, “Again...”

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