who is he?

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Y/N stepped onto solid land for the first time in what seemed like forever. She and her brother, Alexander, had been on that ship for a little over two weeks now, and Y/N was glad to be standing on dry ground. She took a breath of air in as she watched the bustling city of New York move around her. They had finally made it. 

Alexander and Y/N came from a very poor family in the Caribbean, and after their mother died, the two worked harder than ever to make a name for themselves. They had finally made it to the main land. They had a chance to make a life for themselves.

"Y/N? Are you alright?" Alexander called as he disembarked from the ship.

Y/N turned to face her brother, and she pulled him in tightly for a hug. "I can't believe we made it."

Alexander chuckled softly at her words, stroking her hair softly. "I know. I promised you we would, didn't I?"

"Come on Y/N, we should get going. I have some things that I need to do in town." Alexander instructed, taking Y/N's hand and leading her away from the docks. Alexander called for a carriage to take them into the heart of the city. The Hamilton's didn't have much money to spend on luxuries such as carriage rides, but it was their first time in New York, and Alexander wanted Y/N to have the best experience.

It wasn't long before they reached the city, Y/N had been looking out the window with wide eyes. The carriage came to a stop, and Alexander helped Y/N out. There were so many stores, apartments, bakeries, offices, Y/N was sure there was more people on this block alone then all the people on their tiny island home.

"Where do you want to go first, Y/N?" Alexander asked. Y/N scanned the block before her eyes landed on a small green book shop.

"There! I'd like to see what books they have."

Y/N took Alexander's hand and giddily led him to the shop entrance. When she opened the door, a small bell signaled their arrival. A small man with graying hair peered up at them through his rectangular glasses. He offered them a kind smile and set the book down that he had been reading. "Welcome to my bookshop, if there is anything you need, please, don't hesitate to ask!" He said with glee in his tone.

Y/N and Alexander spent a few minutes looking through the assortment of books, when Alexander noticed someone out the window, and quickly excused himself. Y/N chuckled as she faintly heard Alexander call out, "Pardon me, are you Aaron Burr, sir?" She returned to looking through the books, when the shopkeeper appeared at her side.

"Madam, I think you may be interested in this book, yes?" He said, handing her a light blue book with a shining cover and neat binding. In small black letters, the title of the book was sprawled across the cover. It read: Common Sense by Thomas Paine. Y/N smiled sweetly at the shopkeeper, and thanked him. She found an old wooden stool in a corner of the shop, and opened the book, flipping through the pages. After reading a few pages of the book, Y/N decided to buy a copy.

"How much for this book, sir?" Y/N asked, holding it up for the old man to see. The man only shook his head and smiled.

"For you, my dear, it's free."

Y/N looked down at the book in her hands, and then back at the shopkeeper. A small smile began to spread across her face.

"Are you sure? I don't feel right taking it without payment."
The man only waved her off.

"Think of it as an investment. Now be on your way, dear."
Y/N grinned as she clutched the book tightly, opening the door to leave. She turned around quickly to call back to the shopkeeper.

"Thank you, sir, very much!"

Y/N began walking a few blocks, she wasn't too concerned with finding Alexander, she'd probably hear him before she saw him. Y/N opened her new book, beginning to read the contents with delight. Y/N wasn't paying much attention to where she was walking, and only heard the words, "I've been reading Common Sense by Thomas Paine-" and then she felt herself collide with another body. Y/N fell onto the cobblestone sidewalk letting out a small gasp.

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