accidents do happen

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It had been over a week since Y/N had met the Schuyler sisters and the run in with the redcoat and Lafayette. Alexander had muttered something about a meeting with 'The General', and had left the apartment early that morning. That was fine to Y/N, the apartment was much quieter without Alexander around. The quiet helped Y/N think.

Y/N had spent the past few days pouring over the pages of her new book. It was already her favorite, although, there weren't too many books available to Y/N back on her island home. Thomas Paine's ideas fascinated her, and Y/N loved to see different opinions on the revolution. Y/N believed that the colonies should be freed from the tyranny of Britain, that they should be allowed to create their new country.

It was a cold December day, and snow had begun to fall. Y/N had decided to check the mail while Alexander was out. She grabbed a warm woolen jacket, and wrapped it around her small frame. It didn't do much to make her bland colored dress any prettier, but it would keep the cold at bay. Y/N walked down from their apartment on the third floor of their building, and down to where the landlord's office was. The landlord was a large brute with a mean face. He didn't talk more than necessary, and Y/N was quite frankly a little terrified by him.

As she approached his office, Y/N began working up the courage to knock on his door. She wasn't too fond of the idea of bothering him, but she knew she couldn't put off the task of receiving the mail forever. Y/N took a deep breath, then knocked on the door twice. At first, Y/N didn't hear anything. She was about to give up and head back upstairs, when she heard muffled shuffling of papers from behind the office door. It took a few moments before the door swung open, and the landlord loomed over Y/N, glowering down at her. He was easily a foot or so taller than her, and it didn't help that his gaze made Y/N subconsciously shrink back.

"Can I help you?" He asked, in a gruff, deep voice.

Y/N gulped, and softly squeaked, "I was wondering if any mail came for me? I'm in apartment 307."

The landlord turned, moving behind his desk to a set of cabinets that were labeled with apartment numbers. He pulled out a skeleton key, unlocking the one that had the numbers 307 printed on it neatly. The landlord pulled out three letters, and made his way back to Y/N. He handed her the letters, then quickly shut the door behind him. A frown creased Y/N's face, but she decided to ignore it. With the three letters in hand, Y/N began her ascend up the decks of stairs to her shared apartment.

Once she made it safely inside, Y/N looked over the letters. Two of them were addressed to Alexander, so Y/N left them on his bed for him when he returned. The last letter, though, was addressed to Y/N herself. Excited, Y/N quickly tore the letter open. She scanned over the letter quickly.

Dearest Y/N,

It's been a while since we've seen you, and I hope you're doing well. Have you finished Common Sense yet? Perhaps you'll be able to tell me in person. Y/N, Eliza and Peggy would love to see you again, as would I. The Winter's Ball is fast approaching, and if you still need a dress we'd love to take you with us to the tailors. If you do want to accompany us, meet us at the Schuyler Mansion at noon on Friday, the seventh. Hope to see you soon!

                   Sincerely, Angelica Schuyler

Y/N's face light after she finished reading the letter. She had been wondering when she would here from the Schuyler's again. She couldn't wait to see them, and possibly find a dress for the Winter's Ball. Y/N briefly read over the letter again, taking note of the day and time Angelica had asked to meet. After checking a calendar, Y/N was surprised to learn that today was Friday the seventh. It was only 10:30, so Y/N had enough time to get ready and find her way to the Schuyler Mansion. She rushed to her bedroom, fixing up her makeup, and pinning back parts of her hair so she looked somewhat presentable. Y/N slipped on some practical shoes, keeping on the jacket she had put on earlier. She glanced in the mirror at her drab appearance, and decided this was the best it would get, then headed out.

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