war and peace

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My love,
Stay safe. I'd save that message for later on in this letter, but it's so important, I needn't it to be the first thing you saw. I miss you, Lafayette. I can't stop thinking about you, and worrying about you. Alexander came home to be with Eliza, as she's pregnant. I don't know how long he'll be staying. He continues to speak of the war coming to an end, and I pray what he says is true. Come home, Lafayette. Come home to me. Peggy, John, and Angelica are the only ones who know about us. They haven't told the others yet. I feel guilty not telling my brother, we tell each other everything. I just don't think he would understand. I'm still just his baby sister in his mind. Angelica and I are getting along better. She hasn't spoken about you in a few weeks now. I think it's safe to say she's moved on. But she seems to be on good terms with Hercules, which is good. She writes him often. Well, that's all I have to say. I miss and love you. Don't you dare get hurt, Laf. I'm not there anymore to fix up all your injuries. Write me soon!
                              Forever yours, Y/N

Y/N folded the letter, and slipped it into an envelope. She sealed it with hot wax, and tucked it away in her desk to send to Lafayette later. It had been a few months since she had last seen her Frenchman, but she wrote to him religiously. The only thing that kept her going was the anticipation of seeing Lafayette once more.

And of course, there was also the excitement of seeing her niece or nephew in a few months. Y/N could hardly believe Alex was going to be a father! When Eliza announced she was pregnant, Y/N was frightened that she herself might also have been pregnant from her night with Laf. She wasn't. And she was glad. Y/N wasn't ready to be a mother, especially not with Lafayette away.

What she had written in her letter was true, she and Angelica had grown close once again. With Peggy spending her days fretting over the fate of John, Angelica and Y/N spent more time together. Angelica admitted she no longer cared for Lafayette in the capacity she once had, and Y/N was glad for that. The two girls spent time discussing the war, Eliza's child, and the latest books they had been reading. It wasn't the worst way to pass time, and it kept Y/N's mind off Lafayette, even for just a little while.

Things in the Schuyler Mansion seemed peaceful. Until one day when Alexander announced that he had to leave once again for war. Apparently Washington had told him this battle would be the last, and they needed his help. Y/N was glad the war was coming to an end, but she wasn't too fond of the idea of Alex going back to war. Especially with Eliza being pregnant as she was. But nothing any of the Schuyler's or Y/N could say would change Alexander's mind. Within a week, Alexander had left.


The war had ended. News had quickly reached New York of the victory Washington's army had at Yorktown. America had won the war against all odds. But at what cost? Alexander, Hercules, John, and Lafayette hadn't returned home yet. Y/N convinced herself it was just taking time, as all good things do. That didn't stop her from worrying. Everyday she woke up, convinced it was the day they would return. It wasn't.

After a month of awaiting their return, Y/N gave up. They would come home. But Y/N had to continue on, she couldn't spend her days awaiting their return. So she went on with her life with the Schuyler's. Eliza was approaching her due date very quickly, and she fretted that Alexander wouldn't be home in time for the child to be born. Eliza, being the optimist she was, didn't even consider the possibility of Alexander not returning.

After a long day shopping for baby clothes with the Schuyler's Y/N turned in early to get as much sleep as she could. Before she went to bed, she read over the last letter Lafayette had sent her months ago, before the war had ended.

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