not a mistake

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"You're pregnant."

It had been a month since Lafayette had left. Y/N was now two months pregnant, and she couldn't keep it a secret from her brother anymore.

She nodded. "Yes, Alexander. I am. I should've told you before, I know. I just didn't know how."

"How far along are you?" He asked softly.

"A little over two months." Y/N informed him.

Alexander sunk down in an arm chair in the Schuyler's library. "Why do all the women in my life not tell me when they're pregnant? Does everyone else already know, Y/N?"

"Just Peggy. And I'm not sure if she's told John yet." Y/N felt guilty, and fiddled with her hands behind her back.

Alexander gave a small nod as he let the information sink in. "What about the father? Does he know yet? Who is he?"

"He doesn't know." Y/N admitted. "He's not ready to be a father. I'm not going to tell him."

"Y/N, if you just tell me the name of this bastard who knocked you up and left you, I'll find him and-"

"Alex, no." Y/N said firmly. "Don't finish that sentence. I'm having the baby on my own, alright?"

"No, Y/N. I promise you, you're not having that child on your own. Even if the baby's father doesn't want to be a part of your life or your child's, I'm always going to be here for you. Eliza, too. We all love you, and we are your family." Alexander said, standing to envelop Y/N in a hug.

Y/N hugged him back. "I know, I know... Thank you Alexander for understanding."


The next few weeks went on smoothly. With Y/N's growing baby bump, it would be impossible to keep the secret from Eliza, Angelica, and Hercules. Alexander was already annoyed that Y/N made him keep the secret from Eliza for so long. Finally, Y/N gathered everyone in one of the larger sitting rooms.

"What's this about, Y/N? Is it important? I need to get back to work." Hercules sighed as he took a seat.

Y/N fiddled with her hands nervously. "Well, yes. It is quite important. You're going to want to hear this, Herc."

All eyes were on Y/N, waiting to see what she had to say.

"So, um... I'm pregnant." Y/N finally got out.

Y/N could've sworn three jaws dropped at the same time. John, Peggy, and Alex looked unfazed. Eliza jumped up from her seat, handed baby Philip to Alexander and ran to Y/N's side. She delicately placed a hand over Y/N's visible baby bump, and looked up at Y/N with wide eyes.

"How far along are you?" Eliza asked with a wide smile on her face.

Y/N returned the smile. "Almost three months now."

Eliza jumped up and down giddily. "This is so exciting, Y/N! Philip is going to have a little cousin!"

"Wait, wait, wait." Angelica interjected. "Who's the father? I assume you've told him already, yes?"

"Y/N's not telling any of us who the father is. And she hasn't told him yet, anyway." Alexander sighed.

Eliza turned on Alexander, an eyebrow raised. "You already knew about this, and you didn't tell me?"

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