a new beginning

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"I still don't like him."

"We're aware, Alexander."

"He hurt her! He abandoned my sister." Alexander paced around the parlor.

It had been a week since the failed dinner party. Alexander was still furious with Lafayette, and he was making that clear to anyone within a twenty mile radius.

Peggy sighed. "Y/N's beginning to forgive him, why can't you, Alex?"

"Because he hurt her! You saw how crushed and depressed she was when he left." Alexander insisted.

Hercules scoffed. "Please, you didn't even realize there was anything going on between the two of them."

"And besides," Eliza added, "Haven't you noticed that she's been happier since he returned? He's one of your best friends, dear."

"He was one of my best friends." Alexander corrected. "I don't know if I can forgive him for what he did."

"Well he's about to be your family. He is the father of Y/N's child, remember?" Peggy scoffed. "And besides, it doesn't matter if you can forgive him or not. You need to put Y/N first."

"I am putting her first!" Alexander said defensively.

Eliza, Peggy, and Hercules gave him skeptic looks.

"Are you?" Eliza asked. "You don't seem to be caring what Y/N thinks on the subject."

"You're all wrong." Alexander pouted. "I'm just looking out for Y/N's wellbeing, okay? I don't want him to hurt her again. He doesn't deserve her."

The residents of the room sighed in defeat. They gave up, seeing as there wouldn't be a way to change Alexander's mind.


"So it's been six months?" Lafayette asked as they strolled through town, they had gone out looking for baby supplies. They had found a nice blanket, tiny shoes, and a baby carriage.

Y/N nodded. "Well, more like seven months now, but close enough."

"I can't believe you never said anything to me." Lafayette murmured softly.

Y/N glared at him. "Are you really going to make comments about communication with me right now, Laf?"

He put his hands up in surrender. "You're right. Je suis désolé, Y/N."

"I know you are." Y/N sighed, she had gotten used to that term of French, as he seemed to be using it a lot lately. Still, she was happy that he was back, even if she hadn't completely forgiven him yet.

They continued to walk in silence, until  Y/N admitted she was hungry, so they stopped to buy bread at a bakery. Lafayette ordered a large baguette, and a few rolls for the two of them.

"Why do you always order baguettes?" Y/N questioned Lafayette curiously.

Lafayette grinned at her as he payed for the bread.
"Because, ma ange, it is the only type of bread that, in a way, resembles a sword. French baking is truly an art."

"You're serious? You buy baguettes because they look like swords?" Y/N laughed. "How old are you, four?"

"Who doesn't like swords and French food? Together they're unstoppable." Lafayette tried, unconvincingly.

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