feelings aren't fun

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Y/N snuggled closer into a warm chest. Arms were wrapped around her body, and she felt safe there. It was the best sleep Y/N had had in... well, ever.

"Y/N." Hissed a familiar voice. "Y/N. Y/N, wake up!"

Y/N slowly opened an eyelid, and smiled when she saw a sleeping Frenchman next to her. His arms were tightly wrapped around her waist, pulling her close to his body.

"Y/N, over here." The voice called again. Y/N turned ever so slightly, doing her best not to wake the sleeping giant next to her. Her eyes landed on Hercules, who gave her a disapproving/suggestive/smug look.

"What did you two do last night?!" He asked in a hushed whisper. Y/N's face turned bright red.

"I don't know what you're thinking, Mulligan, but stop." Y/N whispered back. "Lafayette asked me to fix his bullet wound last night, and he asked me to stay with him."

"So you slept with him?" Hercules asked, accusingly.

Y/N gasped. "No! Well, yes. But not in the way you're thinking. All we did was sleep."

Hercules looked like he didn't completely believe her story, but he continued on. "Anyways. I know you'd love to spend all day in lover boy's arms, but Washington and Alexander are heading this way right now."

"Stop calling him that!" Was Y/N's first objection. Then, processing Hercules' other words, she muttered, "Oh shit."

She gently tried to pull Lafayette's hands away from her waist, but he kept pulling her closer, and Y/N was nothing compared to his strength. "Laf." Y/N cooed softly. "You have to let me go." She placed her hands on his chest, and tried to push him away, but it was no use.

Hercules was quietly laughing at Y/N's failed attempts. Y/N began to panic as she heard Alexander and Washington's voices getting closer.

"Hercules Mulligan!" Y/N hissed. "Stop laughing, and help me." Hercules' wasted a few more seconds chuckling, then helped pry Lafayette's arms away from Y/N. Y/N slipped out of his grasp, and Lafayette murmured angry French in his sleep as he grasped at thin air. Y/N stood up, and straightened her dress just as Washington and Alex entered the tent.

"Mr. Mulligan, Miss Hamilton, what are you doing here?" Washington asked as he took in the seen before him.

"I..." Y/N paused. "I came in early to check on the soldiers. Yeah, that's why I'm here. In fact, I should check some of their bandages now. Excuse me."

"Y/N wait. Please stay here for a moment." Washington said quickly, making Y/N stop in her tracks. "And Mr. Mulligan? You're here because...?"

Hercules gave the General a smile. "Oh, I just came to check in on a friend. Make sure they weren't doing anything they'd regret. That's all. I'll be going now."

Hercules ducked out of the tent, and Washington gave him a confused look. Alexander raised an eyebrow at Y/N, glancing between her and Lafayette.

"Miss Hamilton, can you give me an update on General Lafayette's health?" Washington asked her, looking at the sleeping General with concern.

Y/N sighed. "He's going to be alright. Shot in the calf, you see. I had to remove the bullet last night. He shouldn't walk on that leg for another two days-"

"Pardon me, Mademoiselle Hamilton, but I am certainly fine." Said Lafayette behind her. He was fully awake now, and sitting up. Lafayette threw the sheets off himself and tried to stand, but stumbled. Y/N rushed over to his side and helped him stand.

Glaring at him, she said, "You are certainly not fine. I'm telling you, General Washington, he needs to rest if he wants to get better."

Lafayette opened his mouth to object, but Washington spoke first. "Miss Hamilton is right, Gilbert. You need to get more rest. I refuse to let you leave the medical tent until you are completely better."

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