letters after letters

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Y/N had fought Lafayette the whole time he forced her into the carriage, using every ounce of her strength. But still, his strength overpowered her, and she gave up on trying to escape the carriage. Y/N was exhausted as the carriage began to move. Slumping down in her seat, she wiped away a few tears, still upset. Who gave him the right to make her leave? Oh, well, Washington did. She didn't want to leave, though. Not the camp, or her friends, and even though she was mad at him, Y/N didn't want to have to leave Lafayette.

Y/N curled up into a ball, and hugged her knees closely to her chest, and began to sob softly. She closed her eyes, and fell asleep to the soft sound of horse hooves clopping. Luckily, the night was warm, so she didn't freeze. The ride to the Schuyler estate was long, but Y/N always seemed to sleep through the trip.

Y/N only awoke hours later when the coachman gently woke her.

"Miss Hamilton, we have arrived at the Schuyler's." He said politely, opening the carriage door for her. Y/N slowly opened her eyes, and sat up straight. It was morning now. She gave the coachman a nod, and stepped out of the carriage.

The large Schuyler estate overwhelmed Y/N. It was so much nicer than the tents back at camp, but Y/N would give anything to be back at camp than here at the Schuyler's. The coachman grabbed her trunk, and began to bring it inside. Y/N sighed, picking up her skirts, and beginning to walk into the manor. Before Y/N could even take a step inside, a girl in a blue dress rushed out into the lawn, and embraced Y/N in a hug.

"Y/N! We were told you were coming back! I'm so glad you're back safely! Did Alexander tell you? Oh, I just can't believe it!" Eliza gushed, hugging Y/N tightly.

A smile slowly appeared back on Y/N's face. "It's good to see you, too, Eliza. And slow down. What are you talking about? Alexander didn't tell me anything... well, I didn't really give him the chance to tell me anything."

Eliza's face lit up. "So you don't know? Well last week while Alexander came back to Manhattan, and..." she pulled out her left hand to show Y/N an engagement ring. "He proposed! We're getting married! Oh, Y/N, isn't that amazing?"

Y/N's eyes widened. Alexander was going to marry Eliza? And he hadn't even told his sister? To be fair Y/N really didn't let him.
"Eliza, that's great. I'm happy for the two of you, really."

Eliza pulled away from the hug, and studied Y/N's face closely. "Y/N, is everything alright? You seem a little... down. You want to talk about it?"

Eliza led Y/N over to a bench outside her mansion. Y/N sat by Eliza, and sighed, resting her head on her hands.

"Eliza..." Y/N began. "I don't know what to say. It's about Lafayette. I thought things were going well with him, we got along fine... but then I got kidnapped."

"You were kidnapped?" Eliza asked, both shocked and intrigued.

Y/N nodded. "Yes. It was after John's duel..."

Y/N began to tell Eliza everything about the past week. John's duel, her being kidnapped, Laf and her escaping, Lafayette asking for a kiss, and then Lafayette sending her home. Eliza proved to be a great listener, hanging on to every word of Y/N's story. Unbeknownst to Y/N and Eliza, two stories above, Angelica listened to their conversation through a window. The eldest Schuyler sister scowled when she heard how close Lafayette and Y/N had gotten, especially since the Frenchman had begun to ignore the letters Angelica sent him.

"Watch out, Y/N Hamilton, Lafayette will be mine." She hissed softly, putting her plan into motion.


The next few weeks were full of Eliza gushing about wedding plans. It would take place in two weeks, and Washington had agreed to let Alexander and their friends come back for the weekend for the wedding. Eliza had chosen the color blue for her wedding, no surprise there. Angelica was the maid of honor, and Peggy and Y/N would be her bridesmaids. John, Herc, and Lafayette would be the groomsmen. Eliza had fallen asleep on the table next to her wedding plans.

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