Neville Longbottom X Reader

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Y/N-Your Name

Y/N/N- Your nickname


The battle had only just begun Luna, Ginny and I were running down to defend the doors to the castle.

" Hey Ginny, Luna you okay?" I asked grabbing both of there free hands giving them a squeeze.

" Yeah sure we are!" They said in unison. We all hugged each other before we were interrupted by a loud bang signalizing that Neville and Seamus had blown up the bridge. Seamus has a serious obsession with blowing things up. I then smiled remembering our first charms lesson how does someone simply manage to blow up a feather.

" Y/N why are you smiling were in the midst of a war." Ginny said looking confused and worried for me.

" Oh I was thinking when Seamus managed to blow up a feather." I said making Ginny and Luna stifle a laugh.

All of a sudden people were running from the front of the school to inside by McGonagall orders. I saw Remus and Kingsley run past so I tried catching up with them. " REMUS!" I shouted. " Y/N what are you doing? Your not meant to be here.... what about Teddy?" Remus said before stopping in front of me. " Daddy you really didn't think I wouldn't come and help I left Teddy with Grandma."I said, Remus sighed giving me a giant bear hug, and kissing my forehead and turning to get to his 'post'.

"Stupefy." I screamed at the on coming Death eater. I carried on running down the halls before bumping into Draco. " Watch it... oh Y/N the twins I'm guessing... Old Charms classroom." Draco said before running off. On my way I was pushed into the wall by a death eater before Harry knocked him out. " THANKS HARRY." I shouted as I tore down the corridor. 7

Probably nearly bracking the hinge off the door. I went to help Fred and George. " Y/N??" They said in unison i loved it when they did that.

" Yep the one and only!" I said bowing.

" Even during a war you somehow are a sarcastic bitch." George said laughing.

" Avada-" Shouted Bellatrix who was standing behind Fred.

" Fred Duck." I screamed who ducked as soon as I said this. In turn we all ducked as the spell came flying above our heads. " petrificus totalus!" said a familiar voice. Getting back up and staring where Bellatrix once stood. Neville now stood there with a stiff Bellatrix. I burst out laughing before giving Bellatrix a kick in the side.

" Neville." I said before running up to my 8 month boyfriend. Kissing him, George and Fred both came up to me giving me a hug. " Thanks Y/N/N." Fred said.

Neville and I in hand ran to where Remus and Nymphadora was, Dolohov stood there next to Remus. " You fucking bastard." I screamed. Tears welled in my eyes, not thinking right I pointed my wand at Dolohov " AVADA KEDAVRA." I shouted probably alerting a lot more Death Eaters. There lay Remus and Dolohov shoving Dolohov out the way I sat there crying. " Daddy wake up please, daddy." I cried into his chest. All of a sudden two arms wrapped around me pulling me away and holding me " Babe come on I don't want a dead you we can't linger here." Neville said not putting me down he took me to the Great hall.

Neville sat me down and tended to me arm, before I pulled him into a passionate kiss. There was one thing to say in case either of us died tonight. " I love you Neville." I said. Kissing my forehead "I love you too Y/N." Neville whispered. That peaceful moment was soon ended as Remus was brought in on a stretcher. Running over I sat there in silence tears dripping down my face onto Remus's clothes. The Weasley's made there way over as Neville sat there whipered sweet nothings into my ear as Molly started crying, with Ginny.

Authors note:

Sorry for such a sad one-shot, I just watched the film and thought to do a one-shot on it. Im soo sad.


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