Draco Malfoy X Reader- Pregnant

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Name-Y/N Lupin



Parents- Remus Lupin-Mother unknown

I was in the bathroom again, being sick. A few days I took it as food poisoning but now I'm not so sure. In the end Hermione took me to Madame Pomfrey.

" When was the last time you and Draco were active dear?" Madame Pomfrey asked,

" Erm...last week ." I replied

Pomfrey rushed over to a draw and pulled out a muggle pregnancy test, " Try this it will tell you if your expecting sweetheart." Pomfrey said before ushering my to the toilets.

PREGNANT it was positive! What was Draco going to say? He'll probably leave me. I'm keeping it either way. Placing my hand on my stomach I walked out to tell Pomfrey.

" Well sweetheart I'm going to go inform Dumbledore who'll probably get in touch with your father do you want to go inform the father?" Pomfrey said once she handed back the pregnancy test and a slip to take Draco out of class I nodded before walking off.

Walking down the corridor I started to panic. I can't look after a baby by myself! Oh no dad's going to be pissed. What is Tonks going to think? Dad doesn't even know Draco and I are Dating! Before I knew it I was outside Potions. I knocked three times, before Snape asked me to come in.

" Ah Miss Lupin you've decided to return. Please take a seat." Snape said.

" Sorry Professor I have permission to take Draco out of class." I said smiling not trying to attract unwanted attention.

" Slip?" Snape said extending his hand, Snape read it twice before saying " That's fine Draco." and then returning to his desk.

Draco and I were back in the Slytherin Common Room, pulling me into a kiss and pushing me back into the couch. Moving towards my neck I gently pushed Draco off of me.

"Babe" Draco whined,

" We need to talk. It's important." I said looking down and fumbling with my hands.

Sitting down Draco pulled me onto his lap, " Sure babe what's up?" He said putting his chin onto my crown.

" Well.. you see I, well we are..erm" I said slipping up on my words.

" Wait are you braking up with me." Draco said.

" No" I nearly shouted grabbing onto his hand. " Well you see I .... I'm pregnant." I said looking down. Draco froze, if this didn't worry me I didn't know what would.

" Your what?" Draco said,

" Pregnant." I whispered.

" Your sure." Draco said moving his hands from my waist to my stomach.

" Yeah" I said grabbing my bag before pulling out my pregnancy test and handing it to Draco. "I'm keeping it even if your not going to help raise it or be there or.." I said being cut off by Draco shouting...

" I am going to be a daddy." leaping off the sofa, picking me up and kissing me " We're going to be parents Y/N." Draco said. " We can't tell a lot of people because I don't want either of you getting hurt because of you know what." Draco said before hugging me even more.

" I'm glad your excited but the hard bit is going to tell our parents as my Father isn't going to be to happy I'm dating you let alone your his grandchild's father" I said kissing Draco. Pulling away I saw Draco smiling like a maniac.

                                                               TIME SKIP TO PARENTS

Draco and I were walking hand in hand to Dumbledore's office its been three months since I found out I was pregnant and we're going to be telling my parents. It was the weekend so I was wearing:

My stomach was visible and Draco didn't seem to like that I was walking round like it but he ended up giving in

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My stomach was visible and Draco didn't seem to like that I was walking round like it but he ended up giving in. Walking into Dumbledore's office Father and Tonks weren't even there yet.

" Ahh Y/N and Draco lovely your here early." Dumbledore said smiling. " Looks like its going well." Dumbledore said placing his hand on my smallish baby bump. We still needed to tell Father and today was the day he finds out I've been dating Draco for two years and pregnant with him. Sitting down on the couch we spoke for ten minutes before Father and Tonks were escorted in by McGonagall.

" Dumbledore how nice to see you again." Remus said shaking hands with Dumbledore not noticing I'm here. Tonks did though and came over to give me a hug before dropping her bag, 

"Oh Merlins beard" Tonks said looking like she was going to faint Draco grabbed my hand giving it a squeeze.

" Ahh Tonks looks like you beat us to the chase." Dumbledore said before walking out. That's when Father noticed,

" What the hell?" Remus shouted.

" Surprise your going to be grandparents." I said trying to ease the tension.

" WHY IS MALFOY HERE?" Remus shouted,

" He's the father." I whispered,

" He's the what Y/N when did this happen." Remus shouted.

" Remus honey calm down." Tonks said grabbing hold of Remus's hand.

" Calm down my daughter is pregnant Tonks with Draco as the father." Remus shouted.

"Sweetheart how long along are you?" Tonks said as Remus was pacing behind the couch.

" 3 months and a week." I said

" I guess your leaving her and the baby Draco." Remus said who seemed to have calmed down.

" No sir I am actually staying I want to be a father to our child." Draco said " We still need to tell my Father but he's hard to reach my Mother I told a month ago."

" Do you know the gender?" Tonks asked sitting next to me. Placing her hand on my stomach she looked excited.

" A boy" Draco and I said together.

" Remus you hear that your grandchild is a boy!" Tonks said, not replying Remus carried on pacing. " REMUS." Tonks shouted. Startling him he looked up. " You sit your good for nothing arse down and actually listen to what your daughter has to say about her son ." Tonks her hair went from purple to red.

" Sorry Draco do you mind leaving us alone for five minutes." Remus said. Draco nodded before stepping out of Dumbledore's office.

" A son?" Remus whispered. I nodded " Your keeping him." I nodded. Remus sat down next to me before pulling me into a hug and rubbing my stomach. " Please, please next time use protection." I nodded burying my head into my fathers robe.

" Here's your grandson and his name." I said before handing him an ultrasound picture.

" Scorpius Lucius Remus Malfoy" Remus read, " Your going to name him after me." I nodded before Dumbledore entered with Draco who sat next to me and gave my head a kiss.

" Draco if you ever hurt my daughter or grandson I wont think twice about hurting you." Remus said before leaving hand in hand with Tonks.

WOW 1187 words lol I'm a sado :)


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