Bill Weasley X Reader

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Year- last with Bill


You were getting ready to leave for the Christmas holidays and Molly and Arthur you could come over for Christmas. You got up extra early that morning and you finished packing your bag and ended up wearing:

 You got up extra early that morning and you finished packing your bag and ended up wearing:

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You made your way into the bathroom to do your hair which ended up looking like:

It didn't take long to do your hair so you made your way downstairs to the common room

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It didn't take long to do your hair so you made your way downstairs to the common room. Bill wasn't there so you decided to wake him up. Making your way upstairs to the Boys dormitories.

"Bill! You lazy Heffalump get your ass out of bed." I shouted down his ear, I think I might have woken up his whole dorm but there lazy soo yeah.

" Geez Y/N its 8 in the morning." Bill said sitting up.

" Yeah and I want breakfast so get up so we can goooo down." I whined sitting on the end of his bed.

" Fine." Bill sighed before getting out of his bed, the rest of his dorm went back to sleep. Bill ended up getting dressed in the bathroom. I was laying on his bed when he came back into the room. "Ready then Miss I'm not a morning person." Bill said quoting the last part.

Laughing I rolled my eyes and we both our way down to the Great Hall, where Charlie, Percy, George and Fred were all sitting there already eating and by the looks of Fred's and George's face's Percy was probably giving them a lecture.

" So how did you sleep guys?" I asked sitting next to Charlie as Bill sat on the other side of me.

"Fine." Fred and George replied,

" Very well Y/N thank you." Percy said as George and Fred mouthed thank you.

" Ok." Charlie replied.

" I was having a good sleep until someone shouted down my ear hole." Bill said playfully shoving me.

Platform 9 and 3/4:

" Arthur over here there off the train now." Molly said walking over to us with Ron and Ginny be her side as Arthur came along behind her. Smiling I went and hugged Molly, Arthur, Ron and Ginny. Ginny and I have gotten to now each other really well since she was seven.

" Right, kids we ready to start getting home then." Arthur said before clapping his hands together. Nodding we were slowly let out of platform 9 and 3/4 in two's or three's. When we finally got back in our party of ten we made our way to Arthur's cars he hired from the Ministry there was two of them. So it ended up with: Me, Bill, Fred and George and Arthur in the first car and Ginny, Ron, Molly, Percy and Charlie in the second car.

The Burrow:

I can never get over how nice Molly's and Arthur's house is, I loved it compared to my parents house as they were muggle there was never any magic. I started heaving my trunk up into the room I usually share with Ginny. Until Bill ended up picking my trunk and took it straight into Ginny's room. When Bill put my trunk down I gave him a kiss on the cheek which made him blush so he walked straight out without a goodbye which was really weird.

When night fell Ginny and I were laying in bed. " I can't wait for Christmas.." I started saying until Ginny interrupted.

" Who do you like Y/N?" Ginny asked.

" Erm I don't like anyone Ginny." I said as heat rised to my cheeks because I liked someone but didn't want to say it to her as she happened to be his sister.

" Don't lie Y/N I know you like Bill, he likes you too you know he said so himself he told me." Ginny said sitting on the end of my bed.

" Oh fine I do like Bill but are you sure?" I asked and my stomach had a really weird feeling like hundreds of butterflies had been realised.

" Yeah he was talking to Charlie about it and he realised I was listening and he made me swear not to tell you or anyone." Ginny said smirking.

" ok but I think its time for bed so you can get your presents tomorrow." I said tucking Ginny into bed. As soon as I knew Ginny was asleep I snuck out to Bill and Charlie's room. Then I realised they were talking about me.

" You know Bill you should just ask her out." Charlie said.

" Yeah but I don't want our relationship to be ruined and I'm sure she doesn't like me back." Bill said.

" Well she keeps staring at you." Charlie said.

" hmm yeah I might ask her tomorrow..." then I walked in making it seem I was oblivious to what they said.

" Hey do you mind if I camp with you guys Ginny's asleep and I don't feel like sleeping." I said leaning on the door.

" Yeah sure." Bill said, I realised him and Charlie were topless but no surprise they're normally like that in the summer.

" I'm going to the toilet." Charlie said winking at Bill.

" Y/N may I ask you something." Bill asked looking into my eyes and scratching his neck.

" Sure but first let me." I said before kissing him. At first Bill was tense but soon relaxed into the kiss. The kiss was sweet and delicate as I was leaning down onto the bed not braking the kiss, Bill was then on top of me pulling away from the kiss he whispered, " I guess this answers my question then." before returning to the kiss. Which was soon broken again by Charlie coughing.

That night I fell asleep in Bill's bed even though we both knew Molly wouldn't be too happy in the morning.

Author's Note:

Well that was quite a nice one-shot next Wednesday I have a drama party for our accomplishment and were meant to take a plus one and I might bring my best friend. SOO hope you enjoyed this one.


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