Charlie Weasley X Reader

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Job-Dragon tamer

set-The Burrow/ Romania

Boyfriend-Charlie Weasley


Last night Charlie and I were preparing to go to the Weasley's tomorrow for the Christmas Holiday

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Last night Charlie and I were preparing to go to the Weasley's tomorrow for the Christmas Holiday. It would be my first time meeting Charlie's family and I couldn't wait. The only bad thing was that you had never left Romania since you left Hogwarts a year after Charlie so it wouldn't be the same without the Dragons. Also you knew Charlie hadn't really told we were dating till yesterday. Stupid Charlie. You had just zipped up your suitcase when Charlie lazily wraps his arms round your waist.

" mmm, I love you, your just gorgeous." Charlie said kissing my neck,

"Charlie, baby as much as I love you and this we have to go soon." I said turning around to kiss Charlie properly.

" Well come on then." Charlie said sighing he flicked his wand and the suitcases levitated out of our room and started going down the stairs. Charlie had his arm round my waist when we were about to apparate. I hated Apparating and Charlie knew it so he always made sure I was ok.

" You ok love?" Charlie said when we were outside the Burrow, nodding you hugged Charlie.

" I love you Charlie." I said,

" I love you too." Charlie said rubbing my back. Charlie entwined his fingers with yours as you walked up to the front door. But before either of you could knock the door swung open.

" Ahh Arthur there here." Mrs Weasley shouted as she gave me a bone crushing hug.

" Hello there Mrs Weasley nice to meet you." I said hugging Mrs Weasley back,

" No dear call me Molly and this Arthur my Husband." She said motioning to the ginger haired man standing behind her.

" Nice to meet you Y/N shame Charlie only just told us about you." Arthur said as you shook his hand.

" You too Arthur its nice to meet you too." I said smiling as Charlie walked next to you.

" Charlie why don't you show Y/N around and I've already sent your stuff to your old room." Molly said. Charlie grabbed my hand and pulled me up the stairs,

" Well I know the house isn't much but its home." Charlie said as he started walking up another flight of stairs.

" Its amazing its like the best house I've seen honest." I said staring around in awe.

"You a goofball." Charlie said as he opened his bedroom door where we saw Bill reading a book.

" Hey Charlie." Bill said looking up from his book. Then looked at him confused.

" Hi Bill this is Y/N." Charlie said smirking to his older brother.

" Hey Y/N." Bill said smirking back to Charlie. " Well I better go downstairs so you can unpack then." Bill winked at me and left to go downstairs.

" But I'm your goofball." I said smiling.

Charlie pulled me into a tight hug before pulling me onto the bed and kissing my nose, " That is correct." Charlie said moving my hair out my face. Charlie was hovering above me, kissing me passionately. Soon enough Charlie was moving down towards my neck. Sucking, kissing and biting my neck probably leaving Hickeys. Charlie moved back into a kiss when the door swung open to two identical boys walked in smirking.

" Well what do we have here George." Fred said,

" Well I think its Charlie and Y/N making out on Charlie's bed, Fred." George said to Fred.

" I wonder what mum would say if we told her." Fred said.

I was already was familiar with Fred and George because Charlie and I were friends in Hogwarts and for three years I kept a look out for them and got them out of tight spaces.

" Nice to see you boys too." I sat up smirking.

" I know never can get enough of us two." George said,

" Don't tell Mum please." Charlie whined.

" Depends. See you later!" Fred and George said walking out the room and slamming the door.

" Don't worry about them they know I have secrets that Molly would go nuts if I told her." I said smiling. Hugging Charlie I nuzzled into his neck, Charlie then wrapped his hands round my waist pulling me onto his lap.

"You know Char we cant sit here all day, should we go downstairs and find something to do." I asked kissing Charlie's nose.

" Yeah sure." Charlie said smiling grabbing my hand he pulled me down the stairs.

"Woah slow down there Charlie." Arthur said when we got to the bottom stairs.

" Sorry Dad." Charlie said looking at Arthur smiling.

" Well your mother says Dinner is nearly done, do you mind if you and Bill sort out the tables?" Arthur asked Charlie.

" Sure Dad." Charlie said walking away with me trailing behind.

When we got outside we see Bill with a levitated table, catching our eyes we smirked at each other and levitated a table each. Before have a table war hitting them against each. Most of us were laughing our pants off when Bill's went flying across the garden. That until Percy opened his window, " Can you guys childish adults keep it down some of us are trying to get somewhere in life!" Percy shouted. I turned round stuck my tongue and gave him the thumbs up. Percy rolled eyes and shut the window.

" What a ray of sunshine eh?" I said making Fred and George laugh again. But I got a Stop now before you end in up in deep shit look from Charlie I then gave him the pouty face making Ron and Hermione laugh. " Charlie, you know I never meant to mean anything by it." I said lowering the table onto the ground.

" I know." Charlie said wrapping his arms round my waist.

" Oi lovebirds come on dinner's done!" Ron shouted sitting down at the table.

" Shut up Ron I think there cute!" Ginny said hitting Ron's arm.

Sitting down at the table next to Fred and Charlie, Molly and Arthur went and sat at the end of the tables. The dinner went pretty well and half way through the Dinner Charlie held my hand squeezing it a few times. " Charlie Weasley I don't think you need to hold my hand I'm fine." I whispered into his ear.

" I do though because your the best things that's ever happened to me." Charlie whispered back.

Authors Note:

Sorry that I haven't posted in a week sooooo sorry xx Anyone a fan of hot fudge sundae pop tarts because I hella am.


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