Cedric Diggory x Reader

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Cedric Diggory your boyfriend of two years. " Hey babe." Cedric said before bringing you into a embrace. Nuzzling your face into his jumper you wrapped your arms round his waist." Hey I missed you." I said as Cedric gave me a quick kiss. As his hand glides down my arm, folds over my hand, His fingers lace with mine. We start walking down towards Hagrid's hut as we had Care of Magical Creatures, honestly staring and talking about creatures isn't exciting.

" Babe?" I said.

"Hmm." Cedric replied,

" Can't we bunk Care of Magical Creatures it's boring." I whined,

"Again?? Come on babe we have to at least do one." Cedric said before pulling me down a corridor that I'm sure isn't used anymore. Pushing me up against a cold wall making my skin shiver his lips brush mine. Not innocently, like a tease but hot, fiery, passionate and demanding. I want to pull away before I lose myself but I can't seem to.In this moment, my senses have been switched off and I can no longer think straight. "Kamille " he whispers slowly, I smile, my heart skips a beat at his voice as I clasp my hands on either side of his face, as Cedric leans in for another ... " Uh uh babe we have to get to Care of Magical Creatures." I say smirking before running down the corridor. " Oi get back here you sneaky minx." Cedric shouts chasing after me.

On the way to dinner I ran into Fred and George who were my bestest of friends. "Hey Kamille wanna sit with us for Dinner?" They say in unison, linking arms with them I walked into the Great Hall. Sitting with the twins at dinner we laughed and talked and at one point I laughed so hard I spat drink all over Neville. OOPS!

Cedric's POV:

Stupid Weasley's making Kamille giggle and laugh again, that should be me making those sweet noises coming out of her mouth. I hold my breath and look away.

" Oi Cedric you ok." Rhys asks,

" Yep." I reply glancing back at Kamille as she spat all her drink over Neville.I know what's happened, Fred or George just told a lame joke and now their bonding over it. Now Kamille is telling some story, I know Fred is listening to the words. His face is lit up brighter than a toothpaste commercial and he has that soft look on his face. Makes we wanna beat the hell out of him. She's mine and i want to show them all that she is mine.

Kamille's POV:

I gave Fred and George a hug before they leave so I can go into my common room. Everyone seemed to not be here yet must be early from dinner of something. Shrugging my shoulders I dumped my bag on the end of my bed and made my way to a couch and pulled out Hollow city ( A muggle Book ) Emily gave me for christmas. Thats when I saw Cedric storm in, it's not usual to see Cedric pissed.

"Hey babe you ok what's wrong?" I said starting to worry. " You know God Damned whats wrong." Cedric said.

" Okay thats not fair." I said throwing the book onto the couch.

" What's not fair Kamille huh? That I had to put up with Fred staring at you and... and listening to you laughing and the Weasley twins flirting with you." Cedric said raising his voice, as a few Hufflepuffs hurried on past at the brewing argument.

" Oh so you're jealous so do you want me to stop having friends who are boys how .... how about we don't date at all will that make you happy?" I shouted trying to hold back the tears welling in my eyes.

" No Kamille I didn't mean it I was just angry and jealous and upset." Cedric said stuttering. " Come here." Cedric said." Get off me!" I shouted before making my way out of the Common room and to the Astronomy Tower.

Slumping to the floor of the Astronomy tower, my eyes drip with tears. My walls, the walls that hold me up, make me strong just... collapsed. Moment by moment, they fall. Salty drops fall from my chin, drenching my shirt.I press my head against the wall... dark grey , so dark and lonely ... Just like the wall I was lonely . I'm trembling. I can't-can't stop. Even as I press my hand against the wall it shakes, it trembles. It's raw, everything, raw tears, raw emotions. I can't stop... I can't stop.

"Why can I not stop crying?" I cry. " Because I hurt you." Cedric says, sitting next to me and brought me into a close embrace the smell of pine and his cologne filled me lungs making me calm down. " I'm sorry Kamille. Let me make up for it." Cedric whispered into my ear.

Authors Note:

Happy Birthday to MEEE! Yep 3rd of April. I hope you enjoyed this chapter it took me 1 hour and 5 minutes to write but I enjoyed it soo much. Sorry I posted sooo late in the day at 19:17 but I had a really busy day xoxo


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