Fred Weasley x Reader Lupin

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Name-Y/N Lupin

Place-Grimmauld Place

Blood-Half blood



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This was our last Christmas while at school and we were spending at Grimmauld place which I have stayed out since at the beginning of sixth year. My room was directly under were the twins would be staying and next to Harry's bedroom.

" Dad!" I shouted when I walked into Grimmauld place. It hasn't changed much it was cleaner though probably thanks to Molly. Then Remus poked his head round the doorway from were the order of the phoenix meeting room was normally.

" Hey sweetheart." Remus said as I ran up and hugged him. " Good school term?" Remus asked again.

" No... blooming Umbridge you might as well call her Umbitch." I said throwing my bag onto the hallway floor.

" Y/N no swearing please but don't let a teacher make you have a terrible term anyway where are the twins your usually found together?" Remus asked.

" Upstairs probably I'm gonna go to my room now see you later dad." I said kissing him on the cheek.

"Y/N!" Remus shouted while I ran up the stairs.

"Yes?" I asked.

" Please be good." Remus said giving me his 'If you ruin another bit of Sirius's furniture I'm going to personally kill you.'

"Sure dad." I said before running up the stairs. When I reached the top of the stairs on the 2nd floor I ran into Sirius literally.

"Oh hello there you minx you okay?" Sirius asked before hugging me.

"Yeah uncle Sirius how have you been? Must be a pain to be cooped in this place with Kreacher all the time." I said.

"Hmm that's true anyway I just showed George and Fred there room, Fred was keen to speak to you about something. Not up to any mischief are you?" Sirius said smirking.

"No.. of course not." I said smiling before waving and walking up the next flight of stairs.

Knocking on the twins door I opened it and walked in. " Hey George where's Fred?" I asked before feeling someone's arms wrapped around me from behind.

"Hmm not sure maybe giving his beautiful girlfriend a hug." Fred said. Turning around I hugged Fred.

"Hmm Sirius said you were keen to see me so I came up here." I said smiling into the crook of Fred's neck.

" That's correct I couldn't stand being away from a gorgeous girl like you." Fred whispered into my ear.

"Fred we were only apart for half an hour not that long you doofus." I said kissing his nose which I had to stand on my tip-toes to do so.

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