Remus Lupin (Dad) X Reader

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Name-Y/N Black

Siblings-Sirius Black (twin)

Job-Care Of Magical Creatures


I woke up to the sound of Remus lightly snoring, smiling you carefully pulled off his arm off my side, before Remus wrapped both his arms around me instead. " Babe with have classes to teach today." I said trying to wriggle out of Remus's strong grip. Then Remus laughed, " What?" I asked.

"Your just adorable." Remus said letting go of me.

" I know." I said getting out of bed. As soon as my feet hit the floor I felt a wave of nausea wash over me. Running to the toilet I threw up into the toilet. Remus was next to me and was holding my hair out of my face.

" Hey baby you ok? I don't want you to teach today." Remus said pulling me onto his lap.

"Yeah I think your right don't want to give it to the children" I said leaning my head on Remus's shoulder.

" I'll get something for you to eat from the kitchen in a minute and I'll let Hagrid know your ill." Remus said hugging me tighter. Nodding your head you rubbed circles onto Remus's back.

" Come on lets get you into bed." Remus said picking me up.

"I am capable of moving you know." I said.

"Nope never knew that." Remus said putting me onto the bed. " I'm going to get dressed." Remus said. Nodding your head you fell back asleep wrapped in blankets.

" Y/N baby I've got your breakfast and Dumbledore says that he hopes you get better soon." Remus said kissing my forehead.

"mm thanks babe I'll eat in a minute." I said sitting up.

"I'm going to go to first lesson now, I love you" Remus said before kissing me.

" I love you too." I said as Remus left the room. Getting out of bed I walked to Professor Snape's classroom.

"Severus." I said knocking on his door.

" Come in." Severus said,

"Severus, how are you?" I asked putting my bag on a desk.

"I'm good now Y/N what do you need?" Severus said smiling, Severus and I were friends in Hogwarts and still are now.

" I think I'm pregnant." I whispered,

" I'm guessing that Professor Lupin is the father," Severus said his voice turning angry,

" Yes, do you mind doing that pregnancy potion so I can found out if I am pregnant or not." I asked.

"Fine Y/N, it will be done in ten minutes at least just wait here." Severus said looking through his cabinet for the right ingredients.

After taking the test the potion turned green, " Well looks like your pregnant with twins Y/N I think it means boys too." Severus said smiling.

" Thank you Severus!" I said hugging him again,

" Well I might as go tell Remus then." I said kissing Severus's cheek. Grabbing my bag i made my way to go find Remus.

As I got to the Defence against the Dark Arts, Remus wasn't there except from a map which showed people who were in the school. The map Sirius used to talk about.

Looking for Remus I saw him in the Shrieking Shack with, Hermione, Ron, Harry, Remus and Sirius and somehow Peter Pettigrew was there. Running outside to the Whomping Willow going down the hole to the Whomping Willow I quietly walked up the stairs to hearing Remus and Sirius talking and acting like old friends. All of a sudden Hermione started shouting at Remus about his lycanthropy. I felt hurt and angry that Remus had been helping Sirius get to Harry. Walking onto another step, it creaked and it fell silent in the room.

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