George Weasley x reader Black

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Name-Y/N Black

Father-Sirius Black

Set-Grimmauld place-Christmas




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Christmas was the best part of the year. This year was most likely going to be the best Christmas because I get to spend it with two of the best men in my life. My dad and my boyfriend. Except George and I haven't told anyone were dating so that's going to be hard.

Christmas eve:

"Oi Y/N get up Molly has made breakfast." Sirius shouted while knocking on my door. I didn't reply because I wanted to see what Sirius would do. " Ok then Y/N." Sirius said before walking in.

" Go away dad." I said while burying my head into my pillow I was tucked under the covers wearing one of Georges top and my underwear.

" No missy get up." Sirius said grabbing my foot and dragging me out of bed.

" Okay!!!" I said.

" Who's top is that?" Sirius asked all of sudden his face expression hardened.

" Only one of the twins dad... I couldn't be bothered to grab one of my 'n out the trunk so George gave me one of his." I said shrugging and walking to my cupboard.

" Right... Hurry up and get dressed." Sirius said like he didn't believe me.

What George and I was doing he probably didn't want to know so probably better off If I didn't tell him. Wearing (The picture up top) I walked lazily down the stairs and walked into the kitchen.

" Well look what the cat dragged in." George said as I sat down and rested my head onto his shoulder.

" Shut up." I mumbled.

"Hello Y/N you decided to join us then." Fred said.

"well duh." I said still resting my head on George's shoulder.

"I love you." George whispered into my ear I looked up and was about to the same as him when Sirius and Remus walked in.

"Sirius its probably nothing calm down okay." Remus said, as they sat down opposite us. I left my head on George shoulder as Molly brought in the breakfast.

" Everyone okay then have a good sleep." Molly said as she looked at me and George. Eating some toast I excused myself from the table and walked up the stairs with George and Ginny. When we got to the top of the stairs Ginny went to her room as George and I went to my room.

" I love you too." I said hugging George. I loved hugging George as he is so tall I feel protected and safe. Pulling away George cupped my cheeks and brought me into a kiss, " You know Y/N last night was fun right." George said as he brought me into another kiss. Wrapping my arms around his neck I wrapped my legs around George's waist as we moved towards the bed. " I know last night was fun." I whispered playing with his tee-shirt as he was above me while I was laying on the bed. Brought into another kiss the door was swung open as Sirius walked in.

" Y/N you in..." Sirius asked before stopping at the door frame. Pulling away from the kiss I sat up on the bed as George sat next to me.


" Okay dad calm down please before you alert Africa that George and I are making out in my room." I said standing up.

" Yeah but how am I meant to react oh yippee my daughter is kissing George." Sirius said as Molly, Remus and Fred were standing in the room as well.

" DAD I AM NOT A BABY ANYMORE!" I shouted back.

Molly went and grabbed George and walked out the room leaving Remus, Sirius and I in the room.

" YOUR STILL MY BABY GIRL." Sirius shouted back.


" THATS NOT MY FAULT Y/N." Sirius shouted back.

" YES IT IS IF YOU DIDNT CHICKEN OUT THEN MAYBE I WOULD HAVE HAD A PROPER DAD." I shouted back before shoving past Sirius and down the stairs.

"Y/N BLACK COME BACK HERE NOW." Sirius shouted down the stairs.

Walking out the house I slammed the door and started walking to the park outside the front of the house I walked through and started to walk down the street. I had no clue where I was going so I sat on a bench and pulled my legs up to my chest and cried. Then someone sat next to me and pulled me into a hug.

" Hey sweetheart I'm here." George said pulling my face to look at him as he wiped my tears away.

" George, I'm sorry." I said as I put my face into the crook of his neck.

" Shh don't worry I'm here." George whispered rubbing circles on my back.

Sirius POV:

" AH for fuck sake." I said punching the wall.

" Sirius calm down." Remus said putting an arm on my back.

" She's right though isn't she... I'm not a proper dad I have to sit inside and be the twat I had to be." I ranted on.

" She's angry Sirius who do you think she got that trait from hmm." Remus said smiling.

" Me." I mumbled.


" Ready to go back baby." George said as I had stopped crying nodding I grabbed his hand and made my way through the park again. Walking back into the house I heard Sirius shouting again.

" I'm going to talk to my dad." I said before kissing George and running up the stairs. Running through the door I ran up to Sirius and hugged him. " I'm sorry your the best dad I could ever ask for." I said before crying again.

"Hey no I'm the one who has to be sorry I cant bare to see you upset if George makes you happy I am happy okay?" Sirius said pulling away and holding onto my shoulders like I was going to run away again.

Authors Note:

Sorry this is SHITE but I had to write something to make up for tomorrow. xx


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