Exchange student.

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Your POV:

You walk down the school hall slowly, dragging your foot. You hadn't wanted to come in today but your Mom made you, she's making you share your room with the American exchange student that you get too. Great, you think, now you have to share your room with whatever hillbilly freak you get assigned.

You see your friend, (insert name here), running towards you. He/she gives you a hug and says "This day is going to be such a drag right?! I got the names of our exchange students."

You say "Oh my God, who did you get?"

Your friend looks down at the floor and says "Don't worry you won't be jealous..I am sharing my bloody house with some hick name Bertha..Bertha! That name makes me want to vomit!"

You laugh and say "Trust you to get a female exchange student...and one called Bertha...I just imagine somebody like giving birth and a placenta like it's disgusting! Have fun sharing your house with her for 3 months!"

Your friend elbows you in the ribs.

You say "So...who did I get?! It can can't be worse than a girl called Bertha."

Your friend hands you a slip of paper and says "I didn't open your slip yet...because of 'invasion of privacy reasons' duh."

You take the slip of paper and open it. You see:

Sex: Male
Age: 18
Name: Ansel Elgort

AN: Feel free to like and comment.

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