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Your POV:
With an exasperated sigh you sit down with your hot coco and settle yourself down completely in your favourite chair. You open up your laptop and flick through Instagram seeing mostly suggestions on improving your looks and the latest scandalous images. Just as you're about to close your laptop, and give up on humanity, a notification tells you that Ansel Elgort is going live.

Wanna join? It asked.
Smiling, you thought about the last time you had seen Ansel in person. It must have been just a few days short of Christmas seeing as you remember him wearing a frosty the snowman jumper. The white, blue and silver had looked sublime on Ansel, his brown eyes had been positively popping.
You click, yes, you'll join Ansel Elgort's livestream.
Even though you could just speak to him on a personal call, you think with a smirk.

On the chat you see loads of fans saying "Hi" "Hello Ansel, you're looking smashing". After reading, you enter your own comment which stated "Haven't seen you in a while, top dog, what's been happening in that dazzling life of yours?"

Ansel's eyes got wide and curious as he read through your comment, then he moved on past your comment without any sort of response.

You were in the middle of typing a comment to him that would have gone along the lines of "Recognition?" when Ansel smilies and said "I'm just playing *your name*, didn't know you come around these parts!"

Then Ansel guested you and you felt a little exposed because it was so sudden and unexpected. However, Ansel made you feel comfortable beyond words.

"How was your Christmas?"

You looked into Ansel's eyes and said "It wasn't too bad, I drank some wine and watched some old Christmas movies."

Ansel nodded and then said "We almost had an identical Christmas. I'm most happy with this watch I got as a present. It was expensive but Mom knew I'd been wanting it for months."

"The best present I got was from you!" You proudly said.

"So you liked the bath bombs?"

"Yes, there's nothing like a bit of colour to cover yourself with."

"That's an odd thing to say."

You smile and ask about his new years.

"Not too shabby." He replied.

"I was glad to see the start of a new year." You giggle and he laughs along with you for reasons none of you could explain.

Ansel turns away from you and reads a couple of the comments from fans.

"A couple? No, we'd kill each other."

"Or fix each other." You whispered.

Ansel turned to you, laughing in disbelief at some of the comments and the suggestions being made about the two of you.

"Just great friends! *yourname* means so much to me but no we go so far back together that a relationship beyond friendship would be kind of freaky!"

You haven't said much so Ansel looks over to you expectantly.

"Yes!" You exclaim. "Just good friends, as if I would go out with this! Him and his abstract shirts!"

"Now that's personal!" Ansel proclaimed.

Lots of comments at this point were "😂😂😂😂" and you're sure that plenty of viewers got a good kick put of the situation.

"Never have I ever?" Ansel read. "You up for it *your name*?".

"Yes. Just watch yourself."

Ansel read the first question "Have you ever cheated on anyone?"

Ansel set up proudly and put a hand on his heart "Never. I respect anyone willing to put up with me too much."

"Well, I've clearly never come across anyone as good as you have to date because... I'm just kidding! Never have I ever!"

Ansel read the next question "Have you ever ignored a fan's message or post?"

Ansel looked uncomfortable "Yes, I have because there's so many messages and posts I would be doing nothing else but replying if I didn't ignore some."

"That question doesn't really apply to me!"

Ansel smiles like he understands but he doesn't. To be friends with Ansel Elgort and know him so deeply but be so disconnected from his world is incomprehensible. At least that's how it feels to you, especially today.

AN: Hope everyone enjoyed! So sorry for the late update, I haven't had the time until now.  Don't forget to vote!

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