Jobseekers Allowance

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A/N Hi my lovely readers. I've decided to do some more imagines. But a different story in each chapter. I hope you enjoy! I love you all ❤️

Your POV:

You're walking towards the job centre with a smile on your face even though today is the day that you're arriving to apply for and to get your benefit money. You're very excited to be getting your £70 a week to seek work.

As your arrive at the job centre you are told to sit down so they can find who will be interviewing you today. You wait for a solid 20 minutes before a woman comes over to you and tells you to follow her.
You obey and follow her to a desk, behind which sits Ansel elgort.

"Aren't you Ansel elgort? Gus from 'The fault in out stars'?"

Ansel nods.

"What are you doing interviewing lazy bears like me that are here to collect their benefit money?"

"I...struggle to find jobs in the industry nowadays. They tell me I'm too experienced for most jobs so now I had to find employment here."

"I'm sure you're not really a 'lazy bear' as you seem to think you are. I don't see a bear before me, I see goldilocks. You're very beautiful."

You feel a smile appear on your face and you pinch your arm, you're almost certain that you're dreaming. Who is lucky enough to be called beautiful by Ansel elgort in this world? At the job centre no less.

"So you need money to be given to ylu while you search for jobs? Can you give me a little backstory on why this is, what have you been doing for the last two to three years, how old are you?"

You look into Ansel's big brown eyes and you get lost in them.

"I'm (insert age here)."

"Just turnt!"
You add on quickly, remembering that boys like their ladies young.

"Also (insert what you've been doing for the last two to three years)."

"That sounds very interesting, and what's your name?"

"Oh how could I have not introduced myself yet? I'm (insert name here)."

"Wow! That's a lovely name!"

"Thank you!"
You feel your cheeks blush, wondering when you were going to wake up from this dream. Surely this couldn't be real, even though you know that somehow it is real.

Ansel is trying away the information you gave him with a smile on his face and you think about how lovely it would be to kiss Ansel.

Ansel looks up from his screen.

"Okay everything looks good, there's just one more thing that needs to be taken care of!"

"And what's that?"
You ask, feeling your heart pump quickly.

"I want you to.."
Ansel smiles suggestively at you and you smile, knowing exactly what he's asking of you.

You reach your hand under the table and you grab at his crotch, feeling a knob in his trousers.

Ansel pulls away when some more customers and staff walk by, he glances up at you smiling.

"That was so nice."
Ansel says and you smile knowingly.

"But actually I just wanted to kiss you. I'm a gentleman."

You feel your heart flutter and you look around the office at all the customers and staff nearby.

Ansel sees you hesitate and he leans forward towards you.

"Go on kiss me, sure I'll get fired but it's crap working here anyway. I want you to be my first and last customer."

You feel tears of joy fill up in your eyes as you lean forward and kiss Ansel for the longest time humanly possible.

Ansel pulls away from you and you see senior staff members who are probably Ansel's bosses stare shocked at what they've just witnessed. A member of staff kissing a customer. Ansel was sure to be fired but you didn't feel bad because you knew that Ansel didn't mind. Ansel thought that kissing you was worth his job.

Ansel looks at you and puts a Werther's original toffee sweet into his mouth. He places some papers into your hands and says "Your money will be in your bank on Monday and you need to come to the job centre with proof that you're seeking work every few weeks. Thank you for coming."

"You're most certainly welcome Ansel."

You smile and walk out with your papers, noticing how Ansel is pulled aside by some senior members of staff as soon as you leave. It's a shame I won't be handing the proof that I'm seeking work to Ansel next week.
You sigh but walk out onto the streets beaming've kissed Ansel Elgort!

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