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Your POV:

You run upstairs to find Ansel on the ground digging into a bag of Cheetos, you frown at him but he just pretends not to notice.

"Found your secret stash, all these fizzy drinks would make a boy think that you're trying to impress him."

You stare straight at him.
"That makes even less sense than I thought" you say.

"Sure it does honey, you had to have stored all this junk food for me or...I'd be stealing right now. Does this look like a face that steals?"

He points to his angelic face and you feel yourself smile despite the fact that you don't want to.

"Ansel, I have something to tell you!"

Before you can continue you hear a hard knock at the door and you throw a sleeping bag and some books over Ansel.

You poke your head outside your door and there stands your mom.

"Hey Honey dinner will be ready in 10 minutes so you and your friend need to be downstairs soon. What's her name?"

"Her name...it's Sky."

"Sounds exotic. Can I come in and meet her?!"

You're panicking hard inside now.

"Actually Sky felt ill and had to be sent back home to her country unfortunately."

"Oh. What a shame. Be downstairs in the 10 minutes honey!"

"Okay Mom!"

Your mom leaves and you turn to Ansel, but...he's gone. He must have gone out through the window, oh no! What if your mom sees him?!

Ansel Elgort Imagines.Where stories live. Discover now