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Your POV:

You walk into the door, tired and sore from a long day of waitressing. You throw your bag down on the floor and wonder sadly how many hours it was until you had to go back. Why was I born a slave you ponder. Oh well, waitressing isn't all that bad. Not when you have Ansel Elgort waiting for you at home. He's an actor, so successful. He's told you that you don't have to work, he earns enough money. But you'd feel bad being so dependent on him.
As you walked in, you looked at your velvet red double bed that you shared with Ansel and on it lay an equally red card that read: Out in a bit, can't wait to finally get in tonight :)
Behind the card is an extra large bottle of tequila and a rose. Suddenly you become aware of steam coming from the shower and water pouring heavily down. Ansel must be taking a shower, you smile.

You take out your Samsung Galaxy S8 and browse Buffy Boards for a while, you smile sadly looking at the friendly interactions between people in the fandom. Sadly, you'll never be forgiven.

When Ansel finally comes out of the shower, you're laying down on your double bed half asleep until he nudges you awake.

"I'm all freshened up" Ansel says "I'm ready for your first."

"My first?" You say meekly.

"Yes" Ansel smiles "Well, my first was odd ten years ago so...yes it's definitely your first."

"But Ansel!" You cry out. "I want to wait!"

Ansel cupped his heavy balls, he was noticeably hard through as could be seen behind the white towel that he held in front of his manhood.

"No you don't" Ansel cooed "You're just afraid"

"Ansel, you know how sensitive I've been, my mental health isn't at dull strength yet. The mental complexity of being with you is enough to tip me over the edge."

You cover the scars on your wrist meekly.

"I'd rather remember being with you one of the few good times in my life, I can't risk ruining that."

"You could never displease me *Your Name*"

"Oh Ansel! How can you be so certain when I've never felt at ease enough to let you...have me fully."

You find yourself crying before you can stop yourself.

"Oh *Your Name* sorry...I just thought it was time. I apologise."

"No! I didn't mean to disappoint you...this isn't what I wanted!"

You run into the bathroom and shut the door harshly behind you.

Ansel knocks on the door after a while and says "We can cuddle on the bed instead, just please come out. We can't ruin our first anniversary together!"

You sniffle "I've already done that with my stupid brain."

"You mean your beautiful, unique brain."

"No...." You coo.

"I love it when you coo." He says.

"No...." You growl.

You open the door and jump straight into Ansel's bulky arms. He leads you over to the bed with his wet hair and wet brown eyes and says "I love you, my silly cuckoo bird."

You smile, and put your arm around Ansel, already drifting of to sleep. You hope he doesn't mind.

AN: Hope you enjoyed! Vote and comment for any requests! ☺☺☺☺

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2018 ⏰

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