Meeting Ansel.

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Your POV:

Your wake up passed out on the floor with Ansel standing over you and holding your head in his arms.

"Hello? I heard you were who I'm staying with. I'm glad that you're so..uh awake."

You laugh and almost pass out again. You can't believe your eyes. Ansel Elgort is holding you.

"Hey...need me to help you up? I sort of want to get going home soon seeing as I'm jet lagged and stuff."

You look up at him and smile.

"You don't sleep on an 8 hour plane ride?"

He smiles at you and gazes into your eyes.

"I was seated next to a sweaty sumo wrestler. You have the most gorgeous eyes...what colour are they, it's so hard to tell."

You reply with the colour of your eyes.

"I wish I had that colour mine are boring."

"Boring?" You think to yourself, you're shocked that he'd think his eyes were boring because you can't stop looking at them.
Then reality hits you.

"I'm dreaming right? Why would you..a Hollywood on my lame school's student exchange program?!"

What he says next is all you've ever dreamed of.

"I wanted an...escape from all the fame...and famous girls are the worst. I wanted a summer away from all that. A summer that I'm guessing is going to be spent with you."

AN: please vote and comment!

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