Fun times.

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Your POV:

You race down into your front garden to see Ansel running towards your nearest bus stop.
You shout "Stop! What the fuck are you doing? Slow down!"

Ansel yells back.

"I'm catching a bus, what does it look it? Heard that I'm not meant to be here!"

"I can hide you but you need to not let my parents see you!"

Ansel walks back towards you slowly when he sees your parents coming into the living room, which is facing the outside road. Right near the window is a swing set and you scream as Ansel jumps on and smiles at you, he's loving how scared you look.

"Get off that right now they'll see you!"

He jumps off and runs behind a bush just as your parents glance up at the window.

"That was so close!" You say to him as you both climb back into your bedroom.

"So what's the plan? And why are you going to such great lengths just so I can stay here with you! One might think that you like me!"

"I like you more than some foreign girl who will probably be confused the whole time she's here. At least you're relatively aware of your surroundings."

"If you say so." Ansel says and you gaze into his big blue eyes. You realise that maybe you do like him more than a little. You'd never tell him that though, he'd be smug about it for weeks if you did.

"So seriously what's the plan?"

"You'll have to sleep under my bed and I hope you're not asthmatic or anything because I'll have to put stuff all around my bed so that my parents won't see you."

"Oh too bad. I'm asthmatic."


"Yes." He nods and gets himself comfortable on your bed.

"I guess I'll have to sleep up here with your beautiful self."

" You can sleep in the bathtub."

"I'm joking."

"Suit yourself then, I never thought that I was pretty anyway."

"I mean I'm asthmatic. Goodnight."

He crawls under your bed and you cover the sides of your bed up before climbing into bed and drifting off to sleep.

When you wake up the next morning you step out of bed and onto Ansel's fingers. He wakes up with a bellowing scream and you kick him.

"Sorry but shut up or my parents will hear you!"

Before you know it he's putting on his clothes and climbing out of your window. You follow him after getting dressed yourself.

"Where are you going Ansel?"

"To school. You know because it's a school day?"

"Unless you're willing to become a cross dresser for the day we're not going to school because you'll get caught!"

"And would that be so bad?"

You feel tears prickle in your eyes and you think about how beautiful Ansel looked as he swung on your pink swing set yesterday. You realise then that you love this idiot.

"Yes, it would be bad! I...I care for you!"

"That's good enough for me!"

He lunged forward and kisses you roughly on the lips, invading your mouth with his wet tongue.

AN: That's the end of this story, what story would you like me to add to this book next? 😘

Also don't forget to vote and comment!❤️

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