Sleeping arrangements.

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Your POV:

You and Ansel are walking down the hallway of your house and Ansel stops near your parent's room. You look at him peculiarly and shout "Ansel get yourself back here before I deport you back to America!"

Ansel runs back to you in a split second and hits you playfully with his huge backpack.

"What's your issue I was going to put my bags down before dinner!"

"Sorry your highness but that's my parent's room and you're not sleeping there unless you want to catch a front row seat to a very scarring show tonight!"

"So where am I sleeping then??"

You look away from him and say "On the floor next to my bed."

You drag him into your room and put some of your fluffy pink cushions on the floor next to your blanket full of pictures of bunnies on from when you were 5. You click your fingers playfully towards the little bed that you've created for him to sleep in and bite your tongue to stop yourself from giggling.

Ansel looks stunned and clutches his backpack. Suddenly you hear your phone vibrate on the table by Ansel, you can see that it's your parents calling and so you run to grab the phone but he grins maliciously and answers the phone before you get the chance too.

"Hello? I'm David and I'm your daughter's customer tonight, yes a paid customer, £50 to go all the way."

Ansel hangs up and laughs gleefully as you scold him and run outside to call your friend.

When your friend answers she doesn't give you a chance to rant to her, instead she says "oh my god, the school thinks that Ansel was a girls name and that's the only reason he's been allocated to you! You need to hide him from your parents if you don't want him to be taken from you and given to somebody else!"

You say "Thanks for warning me, I need to go and sort things out!"

Your friend replies "No worried but keep him safe I love him!"

"Hands off...he's annoying but I'm sort of kind of maybe starting to like him. As a friend."

"Sure..see you later!"

You hang up and run upstairs, ready to explain everything to Ansel but instead you find him asleep in your bed. You sigh and get into bed next to him, worrying about how you're going to keep him a secret from your parents.

AN: If you like the chapter it would mean a lot if you could vote!

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