Chapter 6 Waterpark Troubles

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Y/n's POV

Why did Guy put me on duty at the water park? It's my duty for the day to walk around the water park for the safety of our guests. But as I walked around, a certain group of people caught my attention at the entrance of the water park. I started walking towards them but decided not to interact with them.

"Oh wow; this is beautiful!" Kawaii~Chan exclaimed, bubbly as ever.

"Great....great.... Now that we've seen it, why don't we go back." Zane said. Never thought I see him without a shirt. I thought as I remembered how much he despises the sun. Or does he fear he'll become a fried nugget?

"No way Zane~Kun! You said you'd hang out with us today!" I also never thought he would willingly hang out with some besides the ShadowKnights. I close my eyes in displeasure of the thought of them.

"That's not what I said." Zane told her sternly. "I said I was going to come look at the water park, and then I was leaving. I never promised anything about-"

"Oh details....details. You're here now! Now let's go find a place to go set up our towel!" She exclaimed as she began to push Zane into the water park.

"Get your hands off my you....girl-woman....thing!" He exclaimed as the two of them walked strait past me.

"Oh~ that's woman cat thing to you mister! Now march!"

"No pushing...." I muttered under my breath. Aphmau began to laugh, turning my attention to the rest of the group.

"Zane is so stubborn." So are you.

"Yeah....but, Kawaii~Chan seems to have a good handle on things." Katelyn said in her usual calm tone.

"Me thinks that's because Zane is scared of Kawaii~Chan." Aph told her. Ten out of ten grammar Aph. I silently clapped for four seconds.

"Makes sense." Aaron stated.

"Garroth has....told me stories of how....scary she can be." Travis told them as he shudders. Katelyn shuddered as well.

"Yeah. She can be." She agreed. "But I think Kawaii~Chan's gotta good point. Let's go and find a spot real quick and then....we can go to the slides!" She sounded excited.

"Right behind ja' Katelyn!" Travis said as the both rushed into the water park.

"No running...." I muttered. These guys just love to break the rules don't they?

"Wanna hold hands?" Aaron asked Aph. Well that was blunt.

"Uh- umm...yeah!" Aph stuttered. I decided to step out of my poor hiding place and confront the two. I saw her shaking and I have a feeling I know why.

"Alright love birds. Get in the park and make sure you don't break too many rules. Such as pushing....and~ running." I said; my last sentence came out tauntingly.

"What the-!? You were there the whole time!?" Aph exclaimed in shock. I just nodded.

"I'm on duty here for today. Knowing you guys, there will be a bit of trouble so I'll just follow you around." I stated as I crossed my arms with a knowing smirk. "Now, let's go." I told them as I led the way. Aph was going to protest but stopped herself knowing I most likely wasn't going to listen. I was, I just wasn't going to do what she told me. We caught up to the rest of the group and I led them to the beach part of the water park. Zane putting on more sunscreen along the way.

"This place is perfect!" Katelyn exclaimed.

"Now let's see; what food did we pack?" Kawaii~Chan asked herself.

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