Chapter 10 Reminising

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Y/n's POV

"I'm fine Guy. I don't need a break."

"Nonsense! Just take it as an extra day off this week! Besides, you have off tomorrow as well. I won't take no for an answer. I'll just have Nate be at the beach! Ta taa~!" With that, he walked off and I did nothing to stop him. Just a small sigh escaped my lips. I felt like I was getting special treatment and I didn't like it. It was a reason I came over here. I have a few reasons for working here that all came from one main reason. Him. I shook my head a bit as I forced myself to walk to the kitchen for a simple glass of water. I wanted to bang my head against the wall but didn't as I don't want to risk becoming stupid and oblivious as if I were on the show and I was like that for the sake of comedy or something. I need to actually do something than stay cooped up in the house and laying about. Should I try to socialize? Yeah, right. Like I can do that. I sigh once I was able to get my cup of water. I just chugged it down before going upstairs. I had gotten in my uniform and came downstairs before Guy got here. Once getting to my room, I quickly got changed to what I thought looked decent. Just simply a one piece f/c bathing suit, a s/f/c poncho like thing over it and flip flops. Looking at the mirror nearby, I grabbed two locks of my hair from each side of my head before pulling them back and having them  cross before placing a flower clip to hold them together and keep the rest of my hair out of my face.

"Okay.. Time to get out there."


It's nice and warm out as always. I was walking around drinking a smoothie and I was near the docks. I can see the large cruise ship dropping off more visitors that somehow are able to afford being here. I honestly didn't know what to do so I'm just walking around until I find something I'm willing to give a try. But my eyes caught onto two familiar people as they walked into my view. Should I....? Fuck it. I'll just walk over and ask what they're doing. Maybe they can recommend something to me. I began to walk over with my half gone smoothie. The closer I got, the more clear third conversation with each other became to me.

"Well.. I'm all for spending time with you." Was the first sentence I could hear clearly from Aaron. Aph had giggled.

"You're too sweet.." She giggled one again before letting out a sigh. The two turned for whatever reason but that's probably a bad idea for Aaron. I was standing right behind him and the first thing he saw was me.

"Gah!" He jumped back a bit out of surprise as Aph looked over to see what was going on.

"Whoops? Sorry for startling ya." I spoke with my tone and expression no different than it usually is. Calm, collected, and almost bored seeming.

"Y/n? Hi!" Aphmau greeted me with a smile.

"Hi...." That was somewhat awkward sounding coming out of my mouth. "Anyways.., what are the two of you going at the moment?"

"Oh! We're meeting up with my mom!" I guess she saw my small look of confusion as she continued to explain why. "I wanted her and Aaron to hang out more so they can get along better."

"Oh.... I see. I was about to ask if you were trying to get your boyfriend killed." I said bluntly.

"Hey! My mom's not THAT bad.. Speaking of which; where could she be? She could be with Eric and his strawberry puffs for all we know!" Wat?

"Isn't that her over there?" Aaron spoke up. Me and Aphmau looked over in the direction Aaron was looking at.

"Ah! Yeah! That his her!" Aph confirmed. "Mom!! Hey!!" She called out as she began to walk over, me and Aaron following behind. I mean, might as well. But when we got there, I kind of stayed behind Aaron and Aph.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2019 ⏰

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