Chapter 5 Makeover & Dates

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Y/n's POV

"Nate, is there a reason for you joining me on my shift?" I asked, seeing as he sat beside me just a moment ago.

"My post was closed for the day for a security check dude. So....I just wanted to be in the sun to a few people who will come up to me." I rolled my eyes, knowing exactly what he was talking about. Him and his ego.

"Don't you have a boyfriend?" I asked bluntly. He lost his words. "Nevermind, now I know. It's fine to have one." I told him while I put some sunscreen on my shoulders. Soon enough, a couple of girls stood at the bottom of the post and started talking to Nate. But, my attention was soon caught on Dante. He walked up to this girl with a face....I don't even wanna describe it. I pulled out a pack of sour gummy worms and enjoyed the show.

"Hey beautiful~. Wanna go on a hot date with me later? Maybe we could do a little~ smooch'n." He flirted with her as I ate my gummy worms.

"That kinda sketchy. I don't even know you." She responded in a weird voice. That was mean of me to think.

"All the more reason to- walk....away." Dante watched the girl walk away. "Welp! Her lost! Come in Dante, you're just getting warmed up." He then walked up to another girl with the same face. "Hi there. I couldn't help but notice-"

"No please. Just, go....away." The girl said, not even looking at him. Rude.

"Hey, come on~. Give me a chance." The bluenette pleaded. More gummy worms are murdered. "Why not....over dinner~." You almost sound like a rapist Dante. She sighed and dug herself under the sand.

"Get. Lost." Dante took a step forward and looked down the hole. Great. I have to get up now. I put some more gummies in my mouth and got down the post without interrupting Nate and the girls' conversation.

"O-kay then.... Don't worry Dante, you can do this." He told himself. "To the next girl!" He then walked away as I walked to the hole.

"Ma'am. You're going to have to get out. This is a safety protocol if done alone. I don't want you to get fined." I told her. She groaned and held her hand up. I helped her out and told her to fill the hole up, under my supervision. I looked up and noticed Dante was starring at another girl. Just by her hair, I knew exactly who it was. Luckily, the hole lady finished filling the hole so, I was able to watch what happens. To no surprise, Dante was rejected. And also burned. She walked away as Dante had three lines and a sweat drop come on his face. I walked up to him while he muttered something. "You're quite the charmer." I joked. He turned to face me.

"Oh, hi....Y/n?" I nodded in response.

"But she's right. Take her advice or, go your own way. Now, I don't want to hear anything about harassment so, I'll leave you be so I can get back to work."

"Al-right?" He said as I walked away. I went back to my post and the girls are still there. They're no better than Dante.

Dante's POV

I just sat against an oversized pillar with the same expression I had when the last girl rejected me. Aaron then walked up to me.

"Hey Aaron...."

"Hey man. What's going on?" He asked, seeing and hearing my misery.

"Oh, nothing.... I'm a cool guy, right Aaron?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I mean....when you act like a bro. But, I don't think that's saying much coming from me. Is there something wrong?" Aaron asked with concern.

"I don't know. It's just-, I'm having a hard time with the ladies. In high school, I could go out with anyone, no problem. But it feels like I've....lost my swag." I admitted. I then noticed a lifeguard has walked up to us, but I ignored him. "What should I do?"

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