Chapter 4 Contestants To What?

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Y/n's POV

I sat at my post like normal. Nothing like the fiasco I heard yesterday about a guy literally crash-landing in the middle of the island. Katelyn told me on the same day while I was on my way to work as a maid. Now, I'm hoping nothing happens today but I have a feeling it's not going to be normal. My phone then started ringing. I pull it out to see it was Guy. I answered it as soon as I saw it was him.

"Hello." I said.

"Y/n! I'm going to need to borrow you. Nate will be taking your place in the mean time."

"Alright. What for exactly?" I asked as I got my things and got down my post.

"I held a kissing contest that helped a group of people to win tickets to come here at Love~ Love~ Paradise so they could continue to the final challenge. I just want you to help me keep them in check. I'll send you directions to the location."

"Copy that." I then hung up and received a text from Guy. Now to go there.

Dante's POV

I frantically ran around the resort to find Aaron. We have to get to the second part of the contest, now! I finally saw him sitting with Aphmau at the beach. I ran up to them, not caring if I ruined something.

"Aaron! There you are! I've been looking everywhere! Oh, hi Aph. Are you guys in the middle of something?" I said. Aph let out a gruff breath.

"Well we were...."

"In any case,'s time."

"Already!?" He asked in disbelief. "Ugh, I knew this day would come." He mutter to himself. Aphmau didn't catch it properly but it was obvious she wanted to know what we were talking about.

"Huh? What are you guys talking about?" She asked, be we ignored her.

"When was it announced?" Aaron asked me.

"Just now." I said in worry and disappointment. "Turns out they didn't forget."

"There's no way we can get out of it?"

"Nope." I shook my head. "We have to fulfill our end of the deal." Aaron sighed.

"Of course."

"Have you told her?" I asked Aaron.

"Wait. What's going on?" Aph asked, looking at the two of us.

"I have something that I need to tell you about." Aaron said to her. Guuuueeee this is not good. "How we-uh, got the tickets. Come on. We should head back to the house for this." Aaron said as the to of us started walking away.

"" Aph questioned, then followed us. I sighed. This is gonna be embarrassing. I hope she doesn't get mad.

---Time Skip---

I was blushing out of embarrassment and due to my crying. Just kill me! I don't want a reminder! My nose was red and a little stuffy. We told Aph how Erick, Sylvanna, Teony, Aaron and I ended kissing one another to get the tickets to come here. I was just hating every moment of it. I was also on the floor.

"Treasure hunt~!" We all turned our heads to see Guy had walked in along with some girl with a lifeguard hat in. She looked kinda familiar. Teony was also there, along with Sylvanna and- I shiver- Erick.

"Gah! W-where did you come from!?" Aph exclaimed as she walked to the bottom of the stairs. I wiped my face and it turned back to its natural color, thankfully.

"Here. There. Everywhere!" Guy exclaimed as he pointed around the building. "Ha ha ha! In any case, you five are the final contestants. Since you're all here, we'll make this house the place you need to bring back the treasure. There will be three teams of two! On the island, there is a tree with a heart carved into it that smells of lavender~! Find it, and dig below to find the buried treasure. Inside, you'll find your prize! Mr. Erick, you will be with Dante!" NO! Please kill me! "Mr. Aaron, you will be with Sylvanna. And Teony, you will be with-hmmm, well you can pick whoever you want to be on your team, except Y/n right here." He said as he motioned to the girl with the lifeguard cap on. "She's just here so she can rush to you guys if anything goes wrong. Anyway the two questions are written on the paper that I've given you both. Good luck~!" He then poofed away. Nonononono! I just wanna die right now! No more reminders! That Y/n girl sighed.

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