Chapter 1

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~5078 years ago~
??? P.O.V
"After measuring your actions, We decided that you are forbiden from coming back to Heaven." W-What? "W-Wait, you can't do that! I am still an angel! You can't just ban me-""Silence!Our decision is final. Leave or else." I glare at the Gods with anger and get out of here. 'This is stupid. God Himself said that it's not a sin to fall in love. Stupid Heaven, stupid God, stupid, stupid!" I haven't realised that I was crying in front of my lovers house until he opened the door. "Elizabeth?!"
??? P.O.V
"Elizabeth?!" I quickly picked my angel up and locked the door "What happened to you?" I asked with worry in my eyes. I placed her down on the sofa and started wiping the tears off of her beautiful face. "Who did this to you? Tell me Ella!""H-He...""Who my love, who?" My eyes softened. I couldn't bear watching my angel cry. I would go to the end of the world to cure her pain. I hugged her when she started sobbing "G-God banished me....He found out" My eyes glowed. 'That bastard' I growled under my breath...Ella's eyes flased gold "He found out I was dating a demon...Sebastian." (😜 Sebby~Chan)

~a few years later~
Elizabeth's P.O.V
I was panting hard while Sebastian was smiling at me while holding a beautiful baby girl in his arms "You did it love" he smiles. I smile back while holding my arms out signalising Sebb that I wanted to hold her. He quickly put the baby in my arms and got out of the room. "I'm going to name you...(Y/N) (L/N)." (Y/N) giggled and took my finger into her small hand. She put my finger in her mouth and bit onto it "Ouch, hey don't bite. Wait...bite?" I looked closer and saw...fangs. Wait fangs? "Um, Sebastian dear? Could you come in here please?" Right before Sebastian came in, (Y/N)'s eyes started to glow. One red and one yellow. When he entered, it all intensified. The windows slammed open against the black painted walls and wind started to go into the house. "Sebastian! A new breed was born into this world! She is a vampire! Don't come any closer or she'll kill you!" I shouted to him. "No! Elizabeth please I can't leave you! Please baby, don't give up!" My world started to blur and soon all I could see was darkness.

Sebastian's P.O.V
"Elizabeth!" I screamed while I fought my way over to the bed. I quickly grabbed the baby and got as far as possible from Ella. I quickly went to my lab with the baby in my arms and put her in a room. But not any room. It was the Secret Chamber. It was used for persuing your power when it became too big for you. "I'm sorry baby girl, but I need to do this. For you and for your mother". I put her into a blanket and fixed the barriers on her so she won't escape.

3rd P.O.V
While the dad was closing the door, he mouthed with sad eyes "I'm sorry"

'I'll also show you a sweet dream next time...'

The special one (Owari no Seraph x reader)Where stories live. Discover now