Chapter 11

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Your P.O.V
"Hm? Is that so? Well, it can't be helped then. See you later Ferid" I winked at him while closing the door in his face. I sighted and called out to Mika "Hey, move you pretty ass. Mother wants us!" Just as I said that Mika entered the room and I gotta say he looked damn hot. With messy wet hair and his shirt unbuttoned--I quickly bit my lip from keeping me from doing anything dumb that can get us both killed. I cleared my throat and took his hand "Let's go!" We ran to the throne room (more likely I dragged him while running to the throne room) and I enthusiaticaly knocked on the door. Not waiting for an answer, I barged in to find my mom feasting on some children. "Good morning mother! I heard that you wanted to talk to us." She dropped the lifeless corpse of the child and faced me "First, you should wait until I say come in before entering" She gave me a dissapointed look which made me grin cheekly at her "and second yes. I indeed requested your presence. As you know the war is coming and I need you both to be my right hand. You will go with Ferid and listen to his orders until I say so otherwise. I don't need you dieing on the battlefield now or never. Understood?" I took a glance at Mika and saw that he was preety nonchalant about this whole situation so I answered for us both "Yes ma'am!"
~some time later in the garden~
I was sitting on a bench with Mika. We were looking--I mean I was looking at the little peck of grass that laid in front of us. The Royal Garden is one of the few places that still beared some trees and flowers and it was quite pretty if you ask me. Or is it that I grew up here and didn't have anywhere else to go and needed to addapt to the enviroment? Meh, doesn't matter now, does it really. "So Mika, what have you been doing these past four years?" I asked him trying to make a conversation while examining the flowers. "None of your business" Ok that answer made me pout "C'mooooonnnnnn don't be so mean to your old friend" I smirked knowing that I hit a nerve. In a second I was pinned to the bench and Mika was looking at me with a glare. "I suggest you shut the f up before I make you" he growled lowly in my ear. Very well, two can play this game Mika. I flipped him over so I was on top. My intimidating purple eyes found his. I also got close to his ear, the same way he did, and growled with dominance "And I suggest you don't threaten me unless you got a death wish" I hiss with venom and got off of him. I turned my back to him and started walking. Before I could get too far I heard something "I've been training" Smirk. I always get what I want. "Seems like it" I turned around and pointed at his muscles. "Now that you are a worthy opponent, wanna have a match?"
Mika's P.O.V
"Now that you are worthy opponent, wanna have a match?" She said while looking at me with mistchief in her pretty purple eyes---wait they aren't pretty! They are the eyes of a monster!and my childhood friend...Anyways, "I accept your challenge" I got up from the bench and stood ready with my sword in hand. I knew I had no match against the Vampire Princess but I won't go down so easily. She smirked and just stood there staring in my eyes- almost as she was mocking me. "Let's begin in 3,2,1...Go!"
"I'll also show you a sweet dream next time..."

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