Chapter 6

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Your P.O.V
While I was waiting for Mika to wake up, my own eyes closed and I soon fell asleep on the chair.
3rd P.O.V
As soon as (Y/N) fell asleep, Mika slowly opened his eyes to see a white ceiling. He looked around confused thinking why wasn't he dead. When he saw your innocent face while sleeping he suddenly pinned you down to the bed and had his fangs deep burried into her neck. She woke up from the schock, and when she was about to snap the intruders neck she heard soft cries that belong to a certain blonde haired boy "M-Mika?" She said hoping that he was ok. The boy looked up at her with teary eyes, ashamed of himself that he could do such a sinful act. "Please, (Y/N), don't look at me. I am a monster." He continued to cry as he hid in a corner "Mikaela.." (Y/N) softly said while heading towards his direction "Have you killed anybody?" The boy looked up just to see her kind eyes looking at him. "N-No" he whispered with hope in his voice "Have you hurt anybody?" "No.." "Then why would you be a monster? We can't control what happens in our lives Mika, you should be the one to know that. Now if you don't look up Princess, your crown will fall." (Y/N) giggles while putting an arm out for him to grab. Mika quickly grabbed her hand and stood up while looking at her. His face went gostly pale and then he fainted.
Your P.O.V
He grabbed my hand and looked at me and then...he fainted?! "Mika? Are you ok? Wake up!" I put him on the bed and grabbed a blood bag from the fridge. I inserted a branula into his arm and conected the blood bag to it. The color immediately returned to his face and then I sighted and sat down on a chair besides his bed. My throat suddenly clenched and I felt how my eyes turned a deep red. Damnit. I need blood and right now. I looked for another blood bag but there weren't any. I leaned on the wall for support when the door flew right open. "Oh well, what do we have here. A princess and her knight it seems...So cute~" Oh that voice. Ferid Bathory approached me with lust into his eyes "Such a shame that the knight couldn't save his princess, right?" His eyes gleamed with mischief while opening his mouth and biting into my neck. I groaned while trying to get him off of me but he was holding me so tight that I could feel my bones breaking. "Get away from her!"
Mika's P.O.V
As soon as I woke up I smelled blood. Not any blood, (Y/N)'s blood. I stood up and when I saw Ferid on top of her with his fangs burried deep into her neck I shouted "Get away from her!" I tore him off of her and threw him into the wall. I heard multiple bone snaps but I could care less. My top priority is (Y/N) at the moment. I looked at her and she was breathing heavily while looking at me with teary eyes. I quickly hugged her while blushing a light pink and unbuttoning my uniform "Here, drink" she nodded and sank her fangs into my neck for a few seconds, then she retracted them. "C'mon, you need more" "No, I am ok. See? My bleeding stopped. God Mika, now you are bleeding! And you tore the branula off!" "Oh, how cute~ You care for eachother. But now the lovely talk has to end. Ferid was about to attack us-----
"I'll also show you a sweet dream next time..."

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